Chapter 4

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Sliding the black cap down to hide his face, the youth heads towards the slowly dwindling market. Many of the vendors were closing their stalls for the day. Scanning the area, he approaches a small bakery and notices a middle aged man wearing an apron behind the counter.

"Y-young Master! W-welcome!"

Cale just nods at the man who is bowing so low that it looks like his head might touch the ground. He could hear the baker gasp, but he pretends not to hear it. He knew the man was scared of him. After all, he was well known as trash.

"Give me some bread."

"Excuse me?"

"Whatever you have left. I'll take it all."



"B-but this is just the scraps. The remains of today's sales."

"That's fine. I'll take it all."

A gold coin lands on the counter with a spin.

"Pack it all up."

The baker seems to be frozen in place as the redhead continues to speak.

"Oh and I'll also take your stock tomorrow, too. Have it ready for me first thing in the morning."

The man's dark brown eyes quake in disbelief. The man known as trash was wanting to buy his bread? He was a noble who was known for only enjoying the most expensive luxuries. Just what was happening?

"Two or three more gold coins should be enough for a week's worth of bread, right?"

The baker's gaze, which had been on the shining gold coin, moves to the youth. It was way too much for the bread. Just what was he thinking? Was this a dream? Wasn't he such a terrifying man that was known to destroy things in his rage?

"I can go somewhere else if you don't want it."

"N-no! It is nothing like that! I will pack it all for you as fast as possible, Young Master-nim!"

The baker was now being extremely respectful for a different reason than he was before. He moves quickly and gathers the remaining bread together. After a few minutes, Cale left the bakery with a decently sized bag of bread over his shoulder. In his hand was a small loaf that he had decided to keep separate to snack on. Even though it was bread, it actually weighed quite a bit. The weight made him start to frown.

Ignoring the baker who was watching him in wonder and shock, he steps into the street. Immediately he notices that anybody who made eye contact with him would quickly turn and walk away. The majority of the lingering citizens in the market simply ran away in order to avoid him.

<It really is different from Korea. This is truly a fantasy world.>

His red-brown eyes wander around the area as he takes in the scenery. It was truly a sight to behold, however, he couldn't get rid of the growing pain in his chest. They all feared him. Well, he couldn't blame them since he was trash. Shaking his head, he walks past the marketplace and heads towards the western part of the city. He was headed to the slums.

<No matter how wealthy a territory may be, there are always going to be poor people.>

Cale could feel the stares as soon as he entered the boundaries to the slums. This place had the weakest and the most vicious people living together. Furthermore, the poor definitely knew his face. They may not know their liege's face but they all knew about the Henituse's trash. After all, these people who had nothing needed to pay even more attention to the type of person that would cause a ruckus wherever they went. For them, that was Cale Henituse.

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