Chapter 106

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A few hours later he woke up to a pair of dark blue eyes staring down at him. Smiling gently, he stroked the baby dragon's cheek before sitting up slightly. He could see the toddler was clinging tightly onto his shirt. His emerald hair had fallen loosely onto his face while he slept. Tucking some of the hair behind the boy's ear, turned his attention back to the older of the young duo.

"Is everything okay, Raon?"


There was concern in his son's gaze which caused him to quickly look around the room. When he confirmed they were alone, he sighed and leaned back against the headboard of his bed.

"What about him?"

The child fidgeted with the blanket before asking.

"Did he do something bad?"

<Ha– Now I need to explain things to him in a way that won't upset him too much.>

Running his bandaged hand through his fiery locks, he replied.

"Unfortunately, His Highness did something that he shouldn't have done."

<He f***ing tortured an innocent person...>

"Does Papa hate him now?"

Red-brown irises quaked briefly before he honestly answered his son.

"No. I don't hate him."

<I just f***ing wish I didn't feel the way I do for him. All I want now is just to be d*** allies...>

His hand stroked the dragon's head in order to distract himself and keep himself calm.

"Then why did you send him away?"

"That was because he needed to go home. He's got responsibilities at the palace since he's the Crown Prince. As is, he was here far too long."

The child searched his father's face as he tried to process everything. Was that really the reason? If so, why did he seem so upset and yell at him? Didn't he want to spend more time with him? Just what actually happened between them that would upset his guardian that much?


"Yes, Raon?"

He smiled softly at his second youngest in hopes the boy would believe him.

"Did Blondie hurt you too?"

<Not physically.>

Making sure his mask didn't falter, he pulled the dragon into a hug.

"I'm okay, Raon. Thank you for worrying about me."

The corners of the child's lips twitched before he retorted.

"Who says I'm worried? This great and mighty me was just curious. That's all."

His second youngest's adorable response made him chuckle while the dragon relaxed into his embrace. Nuzzling his head against the adult's chest he whispered in a barely audible voice.

"I love you, Papa."

Stroking the boy's back affectionately, the redhead replied.

"I love you too, Raon."

Finally the four years old was lulled back to sleep and he was left alone to figure out his thoughts. There were a lot of things he needed to prepare for and it seemed losing control of his emotions was one of them. Not only that, but they confused him way too much.

<Is there a way to get rid of them? They're too f***ing annoying to deal with...>

Closing his eyes, he began to search his records for any method possible that he could use to either remove or seal his troublesome feelings. The more he looked through them, the stronger the crest on his shoulder burned. He could tell one of the other Gods was trying to intervene.

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