Chapter 5

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The sun breaks through the curtains announcing the arrival of the new day. The sound of birds mixes with their brilliant rays. The bright light forces a set of red-brown eyes awake. Turning over in a daze the youth surveys his surroundings. No one had come to wake him yet.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, the red head stands up and begins to rummage through his closet for another simple outfit. He didn't want to wait for the servants to help him with it. He wouldn't let them change him anyways. Eventually he settles on a dark grey turtleneck paired with black pants and matching gloves.

Cale was in a hurry to get ready for the day. He didn't want his butler to see him in the same clothes from the night before. If he was caught then he would definitely get lectured. Besides, he didn't want to risk his identity being exposed. At least until he could figure out a way to hide the increasing tears in his flesh.

Slipping into the bathroom, he places his clothes to the side and readies his own bath. Even if he was a noble now that doesn't mean he couldn't do the basic daily tasks. Slipping into the warm water he washes his light speckled torso and arms. The cracks had grown on his arms and were definitely more noticeable along his shoulders and upper chest. If anyone saw him right now, they would probably freak out. A normal person would bleed if their skin was flaking off of them.

<F***. This annoying body is more troublesome than my previous body's scars.>

Suddenly, a light knock announces the assassin's presence on the other side of the door.

"Young Master, are you in there?"

"I am. I will be out in a bit."

"Do you need any assistance?"

"No!" he subconsciously shouts before calming himself and replying, "No, Ron. I'm alright. I will be out in a bit. Also, I already selected my outfit for the day."

"I see."

The older man stands on the other side of the door with a grim expression on his face. He had clearly heard the youth deny him entry as if he was desperate to hide something. Just what was going on? Whatever it was, it was making him very uncomfortable. Could he even leave his puppy of a young master alone?

Silently, he searches the room with his eyes to see if he could spot anything out of the ordinary.

He was too focused on his visual hunt to notice that the door behind him had finally opened. A pair of red-brown eyes watch in disbelief as the other is blatantly looking around his bedroom.

<Is he trying to figure out if I changed into my pajamas before bed? It's a good thing I woke up before he arrived.>


Jolting to attention, the salt and pepper haired man smiles gently. However, Cale could see that it does not reach his eyes as he takes in the redhead's appearance.

<Is there something wrong with my outfit?>

"Are you planning to go out again today, Young Master?"

"I am."

"Will you be heading out after breakfast or will you be stopping by your study first?"

"I'll pop by the study before breakfast and then head out immediately after. Why?"

"I was just curious, Young Master. Shall I accompany you on your outing?"

<F*** no!>

"No. I will be going out alone again."

The older man's eyes darken upon hearing Cale's response. He could tell he was definitely hiding something. He had already sent his son to investigate the meeting he had had with the Bastard of Flynn, but now he felt he needed to look into things more deeply. Even if it meant possibly angering his charge. After all, he needed to protect him.

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