Chapter 117

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That night the non-mage faction held a celebration in honor of the new warrior. It was led by their leader while the second in command focused on finding a way to apologize to the red haired being. If they didn't make amends for their subordinate's actions, they would become the enemy of at the very least the temples of the Moon God.

While everyone was busy, the redhead's group split off into smaller groups. The children were not going to take part in the partying so they were with the chefs, female assassin and the two elves. Only the swordmaster and former princess went to the event since the holy man was still meeting with the chiefs in order to resolve the current issue.

After the festivities were well underway, the youth began to rouse. When his eyes opened, he saw he wasn't alone. Four of his kids, the head of the Molan household and the ancient dragon were with him. A groan slipped out of him as he shifted in the bed. Instantly, his father figure rushed over and assisted him in sitting up.

"How are you feeling, Cale?"

Red-browns looked at the human in confusion. There was a large amount of concern and next to know anger aimed at him.

<Is he not mad that I healed Toonka and passed out again?>

"Don't worry, Papa. You're safe now."

"Safe! Safe!"

He looked down at his youngest duo who happily cuddled into his chest.

<What do they mean? I collapsed because I was healing someone. Did something happen?>

The expression on the deity's face informed the oldest present that the other didn't understand.

"You don't remember being attacked do you?"

<Wait- What?>

Turning to the blond, he confirmed the dragon's suspicions.

"No, I don't. When did it happen?"

A hand gently squeezed his arm which caused him to glance back at the assassin.

"It happened while you were healing Toonka. There was a follower of the Cursed One who used the opportunity to try and cut off your head in front of everyone."

<That bastard tried to do what?! My head?>

Instinctively, he touched his neck. His pupils quaked at this revelation. Even if he wouldn't have died, there'd still be excruciating pain. Not to mention his identity would be exposed.

"D-did someone-"

"Surprisingly, Toonka blocked the attack the moment you lost consciousness. He even shielded you from view while Derin executed the traitor."

There were traces of rage in the ancient man's words.

<Why would the idiot protect me? Doesn't he believe that weaklings should die?>

"I see."


He glanced at his oldest daughter who was observing him closely.

"Yes, On?"

The girl scooted closer to him before asking.

"Did you know that bad man was there?"

His eyes widened at her question. Of course he had known. However, he hadn't said anything about it because he didn't think it was a priority. Hesitating briefly, he nodded in response. This caused the two adults to frown.


Browns met red-browns.

"Why didn't you say anything? You could've been seriously hurt."

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