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True Name: Yuto Emiya Pendragon

Class: Grand Saber

Strength (A)

Endurance (A+)

Agility (B+)

Mana (B)

Luck (E) 

Noble Phantasm (?)

Looks: A mix of Artoria and Shirou with White hair, tanned skin (like archer) and emerald green eyes


(This but blue instead of red)

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(This but blue instead of red)

And a blue hooded cloak with a red outline sword design at the bottom that come together to form a dragon (this cloak is a noble phantasm)

Class skills:

Magic Resistance (B)

Riding (B)

Personal Skills:

Magecraft (C)

Corrupted Projection Magecraft (A) some weapons can get changed when copied gaining a curse like effect. Causes great pain when used (like getting Impaled), and when activated noble phantasms cause physical pain i.e. deep gashes along arm

Pain Resistance (A)
Due to the downside of his Projection Magecraft, Yuto has gained an incredible tolerance for pain

Noble Phantasm 1:
Cloak Of Fragile Light
(The blue cloak mentioned in armour section)
Whilst the hood is up Yuto's true name and his Noble Phantasm are completely hidden even from his master and any servant using True Name Discernment (those already with the knowledge of his true identity can bypass this)

Noble Phantasm 2:
Unlimited Cursed Works (N/A)

A corrupted version of unlimited blade works.

looks: a blood red grassy field, under a black sun, with an infinite amount of corrupted, unholy, and cursed weapons.


"I am a Corrupted blade. Cursed steel is my body, brittle light my soul. I have created over a thousand blades, Unaware of purity, Nor aware of the light. Have withstood immeasurable pain to protect the innocent, Yet this body shall know naught but pain. In the end this life I have been granted has always been, UNLIMITED CURSED WORKS!"

Notable Noble Phantasms:

Kanshou and Bakuya ( can be transformed into their Bloodedge forms through Yuto impaling himself)

Kanshou and Bakuya Bloodedge

ability: Yuto's blood Solidifys to lengthen the married blades to equivalent to that of a Broad sword, the blood can be manipulated to become like whips at the end of Kanshou and Bakuya, blood can be manipulated in other ways

(Original and copy) Avalon

Unnamed Black bow (Archer's bow)

Caladabolg II

(Original) Excalibur (cannot be wielded for long as it is extremely painful to hold but temporarily cures Yuto)

(Original) Clarent (Yuto's go to weapon for devastating attacks as it doesn't harm him)

Brief biography:

At 12 months of age Avalon was placed inside him.

At age 7 Yuto was kidnapped by a group of dark mages, whilst he was being baby-sat by his aunt Sakura, and was used in an attempt to fix the holy grail. The attempt was successful at fixing the holy grail but it was still corrupted. When his parents Shirou and Artoria saved him, and unsuccessfully destroyed the holy grail, he was splashed with some grail mud permanently corrupting his magecraft to be extremely painful to use.

At age 16 he summoned his elder sister Mordred for the 6th holy grail war and eventually Mordred accepted him as her little brother. Together Yuto and Mordred won the grail war and destroyed the corrupted holy grail, and Mordred gave Yuto Clarent before she disappeared. Sadly during the grail war both of Yuto's parents were killed.

Later on in his life Yuto eventually gained possession of Excalibur but he usually would keep it within him along side Avalon.

At the age of 25 Yuto died to defeat/kill Beast of 666.

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