Stage 7- In the Eyes of a Madman, Part 2

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Let us descend--if only for a moment--further into the war-torn mind of Fract.

If we were to look into the deeper parts of his mind, the part he himself cannot comprehend, we would be greeted by a refreshing glimpse of sanity. A visage of a field of tall green grass, with massive trees reaching up into the sky. Back on the ground, Fract lays in the shade of one of the giant trees, except it is the previous incarnation with deep brown eyes and pale flesh. This is odd, as we know his flesh is by no means pale and his eyes are not brown. His flesh is a mix of purples and yellows and greens, and his eyes are blue. Perhaps his mind has purged the complexity it so despised by removing all the patternistic elements of his body from his mental image of himself?

He turns to us and speaks.

"Do not trust them. They are corrupt, greedy, and willing to do whatever they can to get ahead. They nearly eradicated the human race once and are not above doing it again."

He is speaking of Arksiane, of course.

Now, on the surface you wouldn't know it, but Fract hates Arksiane. He holds them responsible for everything wrong with him, but on the surface he is not aware of it. One could say that he is multiple people living in the same body, but not in the same way as one with MPD or DID.

He more accurately resembles someone who, in Freud's terms, suppresses things his mind cannot deal with. These things ironically include what fragments of his sanity remain.

To step out of his mind for a moment, we see a scene of this hollow shell of a man huddled in a corner, as is his custom, with a little black bug in the center of the room staring at him. He thinks the bug is spying on him, and he is correct, but he has no idea what it is or why. A lucky guess, in it's truest form. Fract uncurls himself from the fetal position and leans forward, stretching a hand out to the bug and laying a finger on it. The insect remains perfectly still, despite its own insane fears. Mentor is keeping it in place, like he does with all of them. His mental capacity for such things is insane; if a normal human were to be in his spot, then that human would very likely be in the same psychological state as Fract.

And so Fract sits in his white room, in a forest deep in his mind, and in a hellish warzone of personal conflict, all at the same time.

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