CHAPTER 4: His Family

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Chapter 4: His family


Its Saturday, a day after he said to meet his parents to me as his girlfriend, I was getting ready when a knock was heard outside, I said come in and that someone come in

I turn and my eyes widened seeing my older brother "oppa!!!!!"i scream in excitement and hugged him tight"when did u come?"he chuckled when I'm still clinging on him like a koala and ask me to go down which I did and smiled

"Just now, I book a flight and here I am"I aww and hug him again"I miss u oppa"he hugged me back and kiss my head"Me too, ur hair smells good I bet u have a date, as far as I know ur hair smells like fish"he jokingly said making me smack him

"It's not"I denied and sniff my hair and it's smell so good like downy haha"and I don't have a date....well let's just call that a date but I'm not really am"

"Call it as a date and then ur not? What's that"
"Well I must go,I'm sure he's waiting for me"

He nodded and come with me outside with a cross arms, and I can see taehyung already leaning in his car with a phone in his hand, I blush on how look good he is and me I wear this to be more presentable and comfortable if I met his family even if it's just fake

He nodded and come with me outside with a cross arms, and I can see taehyung already leaning in his car with a phone in his hand, I blush on how look good he is and me I wear this to be more presentable and comfortable if I met his family even if ...

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"Taehyung"I called making him look up and slip his phone in his pocket and smiled a little"let's go?"I nodded and I turn to oppa and wave at him which he wave back and do this eye to eye sign to taehyung

"Aish oppa!"

He chuckled and wave again, taehyung open the car and for me and go inside, I saw him bowed to my oppa and run to his side and start the car"oppa?"

"Hm?"I turn to face him and he's already looking at me"ahh that's my brother"he nodded and continue to drive"I didn't know u have a brother"

"Well I didn't tell u yet so u don't know obviously"I sarcastically said making him scoff and said"that's why I need every information about u"

I 'yehyeh' him and tell more about my life"My brother just come from L.A ,Jung Hoseok 5 years older than me"he nodded and stop when it comes in red sign the traffic light

"Btw, where?"
"Where what?"
"Ur parents house duhh"

He rolled his eyes making me rolled my eyes too"daegu"as he said that my eyes widened "Daegu!!!!!?"I scream making him surprise and ask what's wrong"whats wrong u say?Daegu is 3 hours trip and u didn't even tell me that were going that far"

Instead he laugh and said an unexpected word from him"cute"I blush automatically and gulp"don't worry,it will not gonna be boring one,just relax"

I can't still move on in the cute word, I purse my lips and look outside"why so quite suddenly?and why ur face is so red? Are u sick or what?"I touch my cheeks and just shook my head"anniyo"

"Seolma,don't tell ur going to puke pls dont----"I immediately smack his ram making him Yelp"YAH, I'm not"

"Okay okay, geez ur arms are so heavy is that a rock or what"he said and still massaging his arm that I hit"tsk"


3 hours past and here they are in front of the gate of his parents house, the gate and they go in, taehyung sigh looking at their house it's been a while since he come home. He look at his side and see this girl sleeping soundly, he don't want to wake her up eottoke?

Hes about to wake her up when she move making him froze and there's a strand of hair in her face and lift his arms and move her hair with his fingers and unknowingly admire her beauty

*Beautiful*he thinks and look in her eyes close, nose, eye brows and lastly lips, he didn't know but it's like a magnet that wants him to come close to her

But then she move again making him back to his original position and act like nothing happened"are we here?"she said with her husky voice and look outside"hm...lets go, they must be waiting"he said which she nodded and was about to open her door when she saw taehyung running and rush in her door

"U don't have to but thanks"she smiled and fix her dress and hold tight her sling bag,I didn't know why I'm so nervous cause well in his parents but why I'm super nervous that I'm not even his girlfriend in the first place but it's scary meeting his family in this kind of situation that it's not even real


I look in his hands which hes offering me to take, which I did but then again I remember he said he don't want any physical touch but then there he is making me hold his hands

"Oh son!"we heard a shout making us look at that side and my eyes widened how her mom is so beautiful that I didn't even notice that shes in front of us already

I bowed and hold taehyung hand tight making him look at me and tapped my hand assuring me to calm down and relax"oh u must be the lady that my husband talking about"

I smiled and bowed to her but then I'm surprised when she suddenly hugged me making me let go to his hands"aigoo ur so beautiful dear, taehyung choose a right one"

I awkwardly chuckled and say thank u, I look at taehyung and saw his shock face too

*help*I mouth making him clear his throat and pulled me to his mother "why don't we come in first,it's cold"

Her mother smiled lovingly and again pulled me again from him, I look taehyung at the back and give him a puppy eyes which making him chuckled and nodded"go"he mouth making me pout but I think his mom is not that bad so I don't have any choice but to come with her

"Mom like her already huh"he chuckled and run when he heard his mother shout his name



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