The Reunion

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Sitting on the bench in a the Police Station was the last place Allison or Ally wanted to be. She once again ran away from another foster home and it had become routine for the little girl since she was 2. She would continuously run away from her foster homes hoping to run into her father in the streets but Krupke would get her first and bring her to the station to await her foster parents arrival. However this time would be different. Unbeknownst to the 4 year old officer Krupke was talking with lieutenant Shrank about the girl.
"Riff is 19 and given he isn't the brightest he's of legal age and has been through hell lieutenant. Maybe having Ally back will change him" Krupke said. The officer couldn't believe he was doing this for a troubled young man that caused him nothing but grief but he would never forget how torn up Riff was the day Ally was taken from him. "He's a reckless mess and causes hell around here Krupke. Do you really think it's wise to put a child in the care of someone like that?" Shrank asked.

"Trust me on this one lieutenant. Riff isn't one to crack easily but the day the court took Ally away I've never seen someone cry so much. He even got on his knees and begged me to take her in so he would have some sort of chance at possibly seeing her again and he can't stand me" Krupke said. Shrank looked out at the toddler watching her sad expression and for the slightest moment he swore he saw her quickly wipe a couple tears from her face. The kid really wanted her father.

The father that he may have hated with a passion but had to admit Riff was a better and more loving father towards Ally than Riffs father was to him. He finally turned back to the officer and with a deep breath sighed and nodded. "Let's bring him in. He's been waiting a long 2 years for his kid" he said and the two left the station informing the other officers of what was to come and to keep quiet around the young girl. Ally sighed and continued to kick her legs back and forth.

All she wanted was to see her daddy again. Was that really to much to ask? She could still remember his smell and playful nature when she was around him. She missed her uncles. She was their little Jet and her daddy's little Ally Cat. Riff gave her the nickname due to her being a sneaky little thing and having a talent slipping in and out of the shadows. Her mother died during childbirth and it killed Riff due to that fact he loved Lilly more than anything so it made it worse when they found and took Ally from him.

It had been two years and she didn't know if her father looked the same or if he changed so she never really knew what to look for or expect. All she knew was that she would know him when she saw him. The little girl was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a very familiar thick New York accent fill her ears causing her to tear up. Her head shot up and there he stood tall and proud with a smirk on his face.
"Gee Officer Krupke when did ya start arrestin kids? Ya know they ain't that easy to keep in a cell. To slick don't ya think?" Riff said. Riff was lead into the lieutenants office. "Wow I get to see the lieutenants office. This must be my lucky day" Riff said smirking. It was definitely a change from sitting across from Krupke and being questioned over who started what fight and many other things.

The door shut and all Ally could do was hope and pray that Riff was there for her. "Riff will you shut up and listen for once in your filthy stinkin life?" Shrank snapped. Reluctantly Riff did so and sat back in his seat. "Well what can I do for yas lieutenant?" He asked. "Riff I need you to answer me honestly and not on impulse. Are you ready to take care of a kid?" Shrank asked. Riff stiffened his mind racing back to Ally as a scowl replaced his smirk. "I always was. None of you boys gave me the chance though" he snapped. Before the lieutenant could get a word in the door to his office flung open and reveled a little girl with tears flowing down her face. "DADDY!" Was the first thing she could say as she ran to Riff who was shocked to she her but caught her in mid air pulling her close to him. "Ally?" Was all he could say as his eyes teared up. "Oh my god Ally doll I missed you so much" he cried.

"This is what we brought you in for Riff. We wanted to give you the opportunity to have Ally back now that your 19 and for the most part at least have an apartment with a bed she can sleep in" Shrank said. Riff didn't trust his voice because he knew if he spoke he would completely break and he was a Jet. Jets don't break at least until they finally get their daughters back in Riffs case that is. "Yes please I want her back" Riff finally cried looking up at the lieutenant who nodded and handed him some papers to sign. Within a few short hours Riff ran out of the station throwing his little girl in the air listening to her contagious laugh for the first time in 2 years. "Let's go home" was all he said and Ally grinned bigger than she ever had before. Happy to finally be with her father again. She snuggled into the crook of his neck inhaling the scent of cigarettes and cheap cologne most likely stolen. She was finally getting what she wanted. She was getter her life back. Her life with her dad and uncles who she knew would take the best care of her.

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