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"I mean, come on! You two just can't break in, in the middle of the night. Expecting me to hit the road with you." Sam started to ramble, as us three started to make our way down a flight of stairs, as another access way to get back to the car.

The halls were musty and woody, made my nose tickle. "You're not hearing me Sammy, dads missing. Thea and I need your help to find him." Dean stated, as I was in between my two brothers as we made more progress going down the flights.

"It would be nice to have you back." I added as I looked up to my big little brother.

"You guys remember the poltergeist, in Amherst? Or the devils gate in Clifton? He was missing then too. He's always missing and he's always fine." Sam replied back, I knew he was annoyed. Dean came to a stop as Dean and I looked up at Sam on the higher step.

"Not for this long." Dean told him. "Now, are you going to come with us or not?" Dean finalised with a question.

"I'm not." Sam stated, trying to not look at me in the eyes.

"Why not?" Dean looked hurt.

"I swore I was done hunting, for good." Sam looked to me for some backup. I remained silent.

"Come on, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad." Dean scoffed, playfully slapping my arm. "Right, Thea?" I gave my twin a glare, Dean rolled his eyes as he grabbed my arm. Pulling me along as we started to head for the door outside, Sam with previous pain showing followed behind us.

"Yeah?" Sam begun, hearing the tone in his voice. He wanted Dean to drop it, he wanted me to finish this. Like I always had to. Coming to a stop, Sam stood behind me. "When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45."

"What was he suppose to do?" I questioned my little brother.

"I was nine years old." Looked me directly in the eyes. "You should know Thea, you were more of a motherly figure. He was supposed to say, like you did. 'Don't be afraid of the dark'." Sam looked between Dean and I, I folded my arms once again.

"Come on, Thea was doing the right thing at the time. When dad was on hunts and you couldn't sleep, she was the only one that could. 'Don't be afraid of the dark'? What you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark, you know what's out there." Dean argued with Sam, as if I wasn't there. Standing in between them, I looked at them both. Stating simply.

"Enough." They both eased off, taking a breath.

"Yeah I know." Sam started again, his voice a bit more calmer. "But still, the way we grew up, after mum was killed, and dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. But we still haven't found the damn thing." I looked to Dean who took a heavy sigh, looking out the metal gated door. "So we kill everything we can find." Deans eyes meet mine, as his glare moved over to Sam.

"Saved a lot of people doing it too." Dean replied, giving Sam a glare once again. He was very touchy, with whenever mums name got brought up. It made me feel on edge, like I had to prepare myself for what Dean might do.

"You think mum would have wanted this for us?" Sam looked down at me. "Thea?" Dean walked out, heading through the alley way back to the car and up another lot of stairs. Sam and I followed behind him. "The weapon training? And melting the silver into bullets? Man, Thea, Dean, we were raised like warriors."

"So, what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life?" Dean questioned him as I leant up against the impala. "Is that it?" Dean stood beside me.

"No. Not normal. Safe." Sam told him.

"And that's why you ran away. I see." My eyes widened at my twin, punching his shoulder hard enough for him to wince, I yelled at him in disappointment.

"Dean! He went to school." I spat at him, hearing my teeth chatter as the cold mist from the air vents to the sewer made me shiver. Sam unzipped his top layer jacket, passing it to me as I mouthed thank you.

"I was just going to college." Sam begun. "It was dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone." That comment from sam made my head drop, I looked down at my feet. Disappointed in that comment from my father. "That's what I am doing." Sam shrugged.

"Well, dads in real trouble right now." Dean started as I added.

"We would really appreciate it, if you helped us." I tried to make it off, like more of a suggestion. Until Dean wanted to include.

"Yeah, if he's not dead already, I can feel it."

"Do you want me to punch you, again?" I asked Dean. Who gave me a stubborn glare, raising an eyebrow at him, he sighed heavily. "We can't do this alone." I looked to Sam.

"Yes, you can. You guys have always done your own twin thing." Sam stated.

"Yeah. Well, I don't want to. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to, other then knuckle head here." I tried to play it off like a joke, it made the boys smile. Dean in reflex, grabbed me around my head. Pulling me in as he gave me a noogie. Dean and Sam laughed, as I yelled. "Enough!" Poking my brother in the ribs so he could let me go, I brushed myself off as Sam sighed heavily, asking.

"What was he hunting?"

Athena Winchester | SPNWhere stories live. Discover now