Lost in the cold woods

Start from the beginning

Sapnap threw another snowball at Karl,the other giggling as it hit him in the chest.The two continued on,playing as they did.A forest was nearby Kinoko.Thats where they were headed.They laughed,still playing,as the entered the forest.It was all fine.Until Sapnap heard a sob,the sound filled with fear and pain.He stopped,looking around as he tried to pinpoint its location.Karl had stopped too,dropping the snowball as he swirled towards the sounds direction.

Quackity kept sobbing,he didnt know what else too do,and what would little kid even do in this situation,But cry and be scared?He didnt look up,not hearing the snow crunching as someone came up too him.He finally looked up,when that someone put a hand on his shoulder and asked with a worried tone if he was okay.He knew that voice,it was his dadas voice!But-but his dada didnt like him!The frightened duck pulled away,scared the man might hurt him.Jschlatt did,hitting him and using broken glass to carve whatever he wanted in the boys tan skin.

"What..Quackity?Are you okay??"

Sapnap was worried,the duck looked so scared!And..he looked scare of him. Why was Quackity scared of him?The duck pulled away,whimpering as he curled up more.Sapnap was more worried at that,and a little hurt.Karl was next to him,looking at the boy with his eyebrows knit in confusion.He knew the raven haired stranger,he knew them from somewhere,but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

Quackity whimpered,his face was red and puffy from sobbing.He wanted his dada,he wanted so much to crawl into his dadas arms and let the man take him away from the cold.But,he was also scared.Scared Sapnap would hurt him,though the blaze-hybrid wouldn't do that too him.Sapnap was hurt by how scared and sad the little looked,his words softening as he changed tone.

"Oh,my little ducky.Come here,love."

Sapnaps words were covered in honey,soft and holding him down in his fuzzy headspace.Karl had little memories of the boy;Curses in spanish that didn't hold any anger,golden feathers that were soft like down,laughing as they hugged.But the memories were fuzzy,like he saw them from behind a tinted window.

"Its so cold,ducky,how about we get you somewhere warm?"

Sapnap sat a hand on Quackitys shoulder slowly and gently,afraid to startle the duck.Quackity wanted his dada,and the little touch broke him.He whimpered,starting to sob again as he curled into Sapnap.He was so cold,the freezing feeling seemed to be in his very bones.He wanted his dada to take him away from the cold,hold him close and give him affection.Too say the least,he was a bit affection starved.

"D-dada!M sowwy m sowwy m sowwy!" 

Quackity wailed,sobbing as Sapnap scooped him up and rocked him gently.He sobbed that he was sorry,his words dissolving into warbly babbles as he buried his face in Sapnaps chest.Karl grabbed Quackitys beanie,brushing snow off of it.

They headed back to Kinoko,Quackitys sobs fading into sniffles and hiccups.Sapnap rocked him slwoly,holding the duck close as he could without hurting him.When they got in their home,Sapnap sat doen the duck and peeled his own frozen coat off.Ducky whined at Sap putting him down,sniffling as he rubbed his cold face with his sleeve.

"My poor Ducky,how long were you out there for?Lets get you changed,Ducky." 

Sapnap picked him back up,one hand on his back and the under his bum to steady him,bringing the duck to a bedroom.Quackity was cold,his clothing felt frozen and his skin was coated in frost.He watched as Sapnap shifted through a closet of clothing,pulling out an old box that contained stuff that he vaguely remembered was his.He had left it there,he little box.The box contained;A simple and long sleeved blue onesie,a duck paci,a glass bottle and a plastic sippy with a yellow top,a soft blankie,a pair of grey sweatpants,and one stuffie.The doll was a panda,and seemed to be well loved.

Sapnap helped the little dress,pulling the onesie over his head and buttoning it correctly for hi .He was just a little guy right now.Quackitys little head wings,free from his beanie,flapped as he made grabby hands for the stuffy.Sapnap chuckled,handing the duckling the well loved panda doll.He giggled,hugging it close.He was warm now,and his mind was too fuzzy for him to even think of leaving this place at all.

"Awh!How old are you,duckling?" 

Quackity held up three finger,switching too two,then just one.He was such a small guy!He didnt know which one he was,and he just wanted more affection.Sapnap left,just for a second,too gte the little duckling something to eat.Quackity had been distracted,playing with his panda.And when he looked up,his papa was gone!He whimpered,crawling into the soft pillows on the bed and holding the stuffy close.Had his dada left him?Did he get bored of him,or had he done something wrong?

Sapnap had come back quickly,baby puffs and a warm bottle in hand,when he heard a wail.Quackity was crying again,bawling as he buried his face in the pandas plush skin.He wanted his dada,but dada left him again!Sapnap scooped him up,holding him close as he tried to calm the baby duck.He was so small,and he was scared that his dada had left him again.

"Oh darling,whats wrong?Are you hurt?"

Sapnap worridly asked,cradeling the duckling and rocking him.Quackity didnt reply,too burnt out and small to respond.He eventually calmed down,Sapnap feeding him little baby puffs that were flavored like strawberries.Crying can really tire a person out,and Quackity had done a lot of crying today.Sapnap had started petting the litle wings,his bigger ones were out now too,sticking out of two slits in his onesies back.

Sapnap gently started petting the little golden wings as Qauckity trilled,his wing pressing into Sapnaps hand as he pet him.Another hand appeared,gently running through the wings,Karl had come back.Quackity was too comfortable,chipring and trilling as the two pet him,his stuffie close and stomach full.He nodded off,falling asleep as the two continued to preen his golden wings

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