The femme's smile grew. She toyed with the zipper on the brunette's hoodie. "Okay. I'll be by the bar. Don't make me wait too long."

When the woman stalked off, N stepped closer until she could almost smell the Jack Daniels on Lia's breath.

"Tell me she was already that fucking drunk when you found her."

The Latina sneered in the black woman's face as if to rub in a truth they both already knew. "She was already that drunk when I found her."

They were toe to toe and eye to eye and the whole room hung onto the words they couldn't hear being exchanged. Their conversation looked really relaxed. But anyone with an ear to the ground knew it was anything but.

"You know better than to step in here, you aren't fucking welcome." Normani smoothed. She was getting sick of the stench of alcohol and just wanted to slug her one time, just to relieve the ache in her knuckles. She wanted to hit someone, something. That's how much Lia's presence infuriated her.

A fire ran through her body, starting at her chest. And with each flare, each turn of the head, each narrowing of the eyes, it grew larger and larger.

It was as if someone turned up the thermostat. A film of sweat found its way underneath her hoodie.

"Says who? Everyone else doesn't seem to have a problem with me being here. Only you." The light skinned woman pulled a false pout. "What's wrong? Got a crush on me you can't shake?"

"You fucking wish."

Lia's pout contorted into something sinister. "I kinda do. I bet the sex would be hot."

"You're disgusting and a fucking snake. You're the last person on earth I'd ever let touch me."

"Ouch. That hurt." Bow shaped lips reached down beside her ear. "I guess you'd better hope that's never us."

Normani couldn't decide whether she should roll her eyes or lay hands on her. So she did both.

With not even as much as a snarl, her fingers wrung around the golden blonde's neck. The grip felt satisfying - feeling someone's pulse underneath her hands felt satisfying. Seeing the look of surprise and unbridled anger cross Lia's face was a plus.

"Get the fuck out of here. I'm really trying to show restraint and you're not helping."

"Unless you plan on throwing me out of here yourself, it's not happening. Go ahead, princess. I can take you." The latter sneered.

Normani's grasp got tighter. Lia's pupils began to blow bit by bit as she kept slipping pass threats.

"Every week you come up here acting like you own the place. I have a right to be here. All us butches do."

"No." The brunette shook her head. "Don't lump them in with you. You're an abuser, they're not. And I'll kick your ass every time I see you in here if it means you eventually learn the lesson." She squeezed tighter. "Are you learning it yet?"

A small glop of spit flew into her view and onto her chest. And Normani tried to calm down, she truly did. Her body as well as the grip on the other woman's neck momentarily froze. It seemed as though even some voices in the room mirrored her thoughts. Did she really just do that?

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