A nod confirmed that the deity had no issues with her request. Her dark browns enlarged when she saw the subtle touch of concern to his arm by the future king. Their eyes lingered on each other briefly as if they were having a secret conversation. Just how close were they?

-Does she know who you are?

Signaling that the Queen of the Jungle did in fact know his secret, the redhead turned his attention to the silent duo who had been surprisingly quiet.

"Is something bothering you, Harol?"

Recalling the intense pressure from earlier and how everyone else seemed to be aware of this majestic being's identity, the smaller brunet did his best to reply.

"N-nothing important, D-Dragon-nim."

Three humans stare at the redhead in disbelief. Had they just heard correctly? A dragon? Each of the guards looked to their Queen for answers. Instead they saw her shaking her head with a smirk of amusement on her lips.

<What the f***?!!! Why do people keep thinking I'm a f***ing dragon?!>

Running a hand through his fiery locks, the noble sighed in frustration before protesting.

"I'm not a dragon."

His words confused those who didn't know his identity even more. Bowing his head respectfully, the mana-resistant mage reasoned aloud.

"You're an existence not human. Someone who is capable of using powers beyond magic and combat. Your abilities are both nature and non-nature related. An entity superior to all others. If not a Dragon, then what are you? Is there anything in the mortal realm greater than Dragons?"

<Ha– S***! Am I really that bad at acting human?>

Exchanging a glance with the ancient dragon, he could see levity in his golden irises.

-Unfortunately, there's not much I can do to help you out of this. You're the one who released such a terrifying amount of divine energy earlier. Most humans would definitely mistake that amount for Dragon Fear. Good luck.

Frowning at the lack of assistance, he turned to the violet haired holy man. When their eyes met, the mortal shrugged and smiled apologetically.

-Sorry, Your Excellency. There's nothing I can do. Jack won't be able to assist you either.

<Ha— F***!!>

Peeking at the Molan duo, he could see the older had a benign smile on his face. Shuddering at the viciousness of the immortal's eyes, he finally looked to the mixed blood for assistance. He could see the Royal was contemplating hard for a way to turn this situation into a beneficial one.

<There has to be a way out of this.>

Stroking his second youngest's head, a bright smile crept onto his face. One that sent chills down the future king's back. It was obvious the youth was up to something.

-I don't know what you're planning, but I'll follow your lead.

"Harol. You do recall that I'm associated with the temples, correct?"

The brunet nodded while the majority of the group waited to see if the God of Love could get himself out of his current predicament.

"Yes, Young Master-nim. That was made apparent during your visit to the Whipper Kingdom."

"Then wouldn't it make more sense that my abilities are associated with a God rather than being a Dragon? Or is there another reason you're certain I can't be a human?"

Two Stars Collide - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now