Chapter 24

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This chapter has MATURE content. Please read at your own discretion.
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Diane's POV

Things have been busy the past two weeks. Cleo's pup demand a lot of time, which causes Cleo and Mike to look like the walking dead whenever I see them come down to the kitchen for food for themselves. Although I don't know why they bother coming down still when I tell them constantly that they should save their energy by just sleeping as much as they can and allow the palace staff to bring them their meals and whatever snacks they want. That earned me a growl from Cleo because she thought that I was trying to take away her only means of exercise from her. Suffice to say, that the argument was left with me warning the palace staff to only approach Cleo or Mike if they initiated a request for something.

My thoughts then travelled to Wilma, the witch that had ruined many lives not just mine. I spent the majority of my time, preparing for the arrival of the Lunardi Witches so that we may discuss the crimes that she committed, as well as what her punishment would be. Another thing that took up a lot of my time was the planning of my ascension to the Lunardi-Wolfe Throne... since even though I had accepted my role and my blood responsibility, I still had to make it official to the rest of the wolf community.

"Is everything alright My Queen?" One of the handmaids asks me as she is gathering up the Royal invitations that require all of the Alphas from around the world to attend my coronation.

"There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day." I sigh in response as I give her a small, tired smile before setting the papers that I'm working on down so that I may stand for a moment and stretch my limbs as I pace over  to the nearby window, "There's so much to do in order to repair the damage the witch caused, plus getting ready to make my 'grand ascension into my rightful place' in front of every Alpha we have, and my Blood-Sister's triplets keeps her so busy that I feel bad that I can't offer her more of a break than I already do in the early mornings. Not to mention I've hardly seen my mate because he's taken up training the Palace Warriors while I've been working in here."

I sigh once again as I make my way to the opposing side of my desk so that I am facing my chair as I turn a couple of documents so that I may read they as I lean my elbows upon the desk's smooth surface. Not noticing that the handmaid has left my office in order to rush to the post office before it closes for the day.

"This is not what I thought my day to day activities would be when I told Mother Moon that I would fix the problems of my kin." I mutter lowly as I complete a couple more papers before reaching for the next set.

My movements are stopped as a set of well built, strong and incredibly bare arms wrap around me as I feel someone press their heated length against my back and I give a knowing smile as I feel the sparks where our skin makes contact with each other.

"Maybe it's time you took an actual break for once." Andrew's voice is a soft whisper right next to my ear, his breath caressing my ear and causing a shiver of delight to travel down my spine as he also continued to press his frontside to my backside.

"I suppose I could be persuaded." I use a teasing tone as I shimmy my hips in the barest of motions, but it's still enough for Andrew's breath to hitch right before an approving groan leaves his throat.

Andrew lets on of his hands glide along my side as it travels down my body until it comes to rest on my hip so that he can grip it gently yet tightly against him as he nuzzles just behind my ear while nipping at the lobe once in a while. A soft moan leaves my mouth as his other hand travels along my body until it comes up to cup one of my breasts gently and is quickly followed by the hand that had been on my hip a moment ago.

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