Chapter 2

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Diane's POV

"There wasn't really much that I could find out, other than the fact that your suspicions were right." I inform Cleo's father after showing him all of the information that I had gathered, "The Rogues are gearing up for a fight, I just can't find out for who though, but judging by the number of Rogues I saw gathering here and here, I'd say it's a toss up between your pack and the Crescent Moon Pack... is that part of the reason why you ask their Alpha to be here? To warn him?"

"You really are wiser than you let others think you are." Cleo's father praises me gently, "Yes I wanted to warn him later on, after the party got into full swing.

"That's understandable... he might want to leave immediately after so that he can make preparations of his own." I reply as I hear Cleo enter.

"Can I borrow your jacket?" She asks me, "It's cold out there and I don't want to waste more time picking one out... plus yours looks so nice."

"Here, let me help you put it on." I smile at her, "You're going to smell like me for a while, but it should lessen after an hour or so of you wearing it."

"Thanks sis!" Cleo smiles at me brightly before leaving and then her Father and I continue to discuss what we had been.


Andrew's POV

"Alpha, are you sure you want to be here?" My Beta, Charlie, asks me as I stand off to the side of the festivities that are just starting since the Alpha's daughter had finally made her appearance... not that Andrew had seen her, she was merely not there one second and the next second she had been present.

"I'm here because the Alpha was my Father's friend and he asked me to come." I inform him calmly as I tried to ignore the looks that some of the females were giving me.

"That doesn't mean that you want to be here." He replies with a joking smile and I playfully punch his arm.

However, just as I open my mouth to reply to his comment, an intoxicating scent reaches my nose and my wolf seems to awaken all to fast from his rest, neither of us really enjoyed parties, and seemed to howl within my head. I followed the scent until I came to a female who was wearing a green jacket and I couldn't help the word that flew out of my mouth as I got closer to her.

"Mine." I hissed and she swung around, eyes opening wide in a panic as a young man came to stand by her, and I stared in confusion at that mark already on her neck... but before anyone else could say anything, Rogues jumped out from the trees that lined the backyard. (Which is where the party was currently being held.

The young man pushed the young female behind him, ready to shift as she screamed in fear... but before any of them could do anything, a single wolf jumped over the young man's back and immediately started fighting the Leading Rogue, causing everyone to watch in horror... even the other Rogues didn't know what to do at this point. Andrew watched in horror as he realized that the wolf was a female fought the Leading Rogue, but it appeared that she was winning. When Andrew took a few steps forward in order to try and help, he had to stop because the scent that he had been following to the girl with the green jacket... it was coming from the she-wolf a thousand times stronger.


Diane's POV

I had finished speaking with Cleo's father, my report had been quicker than I thought, and it was as I was entering the kitchen so that I could get to the backyard when Cleo was trying to mind-link me, but she wasn't making an ounce of sense. I saw her mate go to stand by her as she was facing one of the other guests... but I didn't get a chance to see who it was because then Cleo's screams met my ears as Rogues jumped out from the trees. Their Leader was snarling at Cleo.

He snarled at our Blood-Sister. - My wolf growls within me as I feel instant rage.

"He's going to regret it." I growl under my breath as I shift into my wolf form without a second thought and my wolf lets me keep control as I charge at the one who disrespected my Blood-Sister.

I jump over Cleo's mate as he's standing protectively in front of her, realizing in the back of my mind that no one else has made a move yet to do anything because of their shock. I use my speed to land on the ground in front of them and then launch myself immediately into a fight with the Leading Rogue. We're snapping, biting, scratching at each other and I know that all eyes are on us as we fight this out, because even as Cleo's father comes outside with some of the other warriors that had arrived late to start making the Rogues retreat... my fight is the one that's going to determine what the Rogues do.

They're not going to do anything! - My wolf snarls within my head and it makes me fight even harder because I agree with her one hundred percent.

I finally toss the Rogue like a rag doll back toward the trees, and was stalking toward him in order to finish the fight when a voice cut across the yard and stopped me in my tracks.

"Diane!" Cleo's voice sounded like she had moved closer to me, and when I turn my head toward her, I see her mate holding her by her arm so that she doesn't get any closer to the Rogues, "Diane, that's enough..."

She had whispered the last part so softly, I almost thought that her words wouldn't have reached me, but they had... and as much as my wolf and I wanted to rip the Rogue's throat out. We didn't want to upset Cleo in the process. I started making my way back to Cleo, taking slow steps to make sure that I didn't frighten anyone by accident. I didn't expect someone to step toward me though.

"Mine." I heard a voice that sent shivers down my spine hiss, the most intriguing scent met my nose, and as I lifted my eyes to meet those of the person who just spoke I felt as if electricity shot down my spine... his next word made my eyes open in shock as my wolf seemed to be doing tricks within my head, "Mate."


The four letter word that I both craved, yet dreaded hearing come from any guy's mouth... and here it was coming from an Alpha no less. He looked like he was about 6 foot 3 or so in height, and I didn't even want to start thinking about the muscles he must be packing underneath that dark green t-shirt of his. I shake my head in order to clear it and then look at him with the darkest glare I can fix him with, causing him to looked shocked at me as he takes a single step back. I finish making my way over to Cleo, where I tug at my jacket's sleeve until she realizes what I'm asking her silently.

"Here, you might want your coat... Father doesn't allow us to go into the house in our wolf form." Cleo says and I catch the look of realization on the Alpha's face as he watches Cleo drape my green jacket over my wolf form carefully after shrugging out of it.

I shift slowly, making sure that I close my jacket securely around me as I stand up straight. I thank Cleo briefly before taking a step toward the back door so that I can go get my spare clothes from my bag... but the young man's movements from the corner of my eye make me glare at him once more.

"I don't need a Mate." I hiss at him before continuing into the house, up to Cleo's room and slam the door shut behind me, locking it just to be on the safe side because I wasn't sure if he was going to follow me up or if Cleo might... either way, the moment the door was shut, I leaned against the wall next to the door and slid down to sit on the floor as I tried unsuccessfully to try and regulate my breathing.

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