[09] - Korean barbecue with soju and fake friends

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"We've taken us through them all until now, so it haven't been going that horribly" I said.

"Yeah but how many times have we not almost died?" Felix asked.

"Not that many" I said and shrugged. It's not like we've been crazy and living like we have a death wish.

"But with your stupid plans we soon will die" he muttered.

"Well sorry for coming up with ideas when nobody else is" I said and looked at him with frustration. He never came up with any ideas, who was he to say I have stupid plans?

"Don't you think you two have fought enough now? Both of your meats are getting burned" Jisung said.

I threw a glance at my meat and he was right. I quickly grabbed all of them to get them away from the barbecue."Anyone want meat?" I asked.

"Not your meat" Felix said and put one of his own pieces in his mouth.

I glared at him.

"I want, give me" Jeongin said and started taking of the meat.

As we ate the tension between me and Felix remained, but it's not like the tension ever disappeared, we just always had things to bicker about. We didn't speak to each other and kept throwing daggers back and fourth.

We still had a great time though. We ate and we drank and people were definitely tipsy. I wasn't complaining, everything is easier with alcohol in the blood, it wasn't as awkward anymore to talk to the fakes. We were talking and joking around, sharing life stories and shit.

"I was crazy as a kid, I'm surprised I'm even alive to this day" I shared as it came up as a discussion.

"I was also crazy as a kid" Jeongin said.

"You're still a kid and you're still crazy, I don't see what have changed" Felix said.

"I was almost kidnapped as a kid" Jeongin said from the blue.

"Really? What happened?" I asked.

"I was in Gangnam during the holidays and there was this sect that were trying to scout me, and they almost succeeded, I was scared" he explained and looked at us with big eyes as if he was reliving the moment.

"Yah never follow strangers, even if they say they're buying candy or something" I said.

"But this guy seemed to know everything about me, it was creepy" he continued.

"If he's weird that should just tell you even more to not follow" Jisung said and looked at the maknae who looked like a scared kid when thinking back on what happened.

"I was young and dumb, don't judge me" he said and looked at us with a pout.

I sighed. "We're not judging you, this can happen to anyone" I said to calm him down. "We just don't want it to happen again"

"I've already learned my lesson, it won't happen again" Jeongin said.

"How young were you even when this happened?" I asked him with curiosity.

"17" he said shortly.

We looked at him. "17? I thought you were like 10" Felix said.

"Yah again with this judging, there are grown up people falling for their scams" Jeongin defended himself.

"It's brave of you to share your story, it shows that you've grown" Jeongin's fake brother said.

He snorted. "I'm not sharing with you guys, besides I'm a bit drunk and can't really control everything I say" he said.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon