Looking up, red is the majority.

For those in the blue camp, things are not looking good right now.

Ryan moved his footsteps without a trace, and some people had the same actions as him. Those of the same camp had the same purpose in the big melee and were temporary allies.

On the airship, the three communicated silently through their personal terminals, with Ryan taking the absolute dominant position and formulating the main planning guidelines.

Before the start of the game, the three stood in a triangle, gradually approaching the people of the same camp, and at the same time being alert to the soldiers of the enemy camp.

"Michelle, I need you to swoop in the back for me."

"Su Liye, you stand on my right side to improve my defense."

The war was about to break out, and tension spread in everyone's heart. Ryan said in a deep voice, mobilizing the emotions of the newcomer Michelle and Su Liye, who was heavy on clerical work, for the last time.

I don't know who made a long whistle, and those who were prepared happened to act in an instant. The sporadic rookies who were not prepared had not yet seen the whole picture of the frozen grassland, and they were out of the game without knowing what Moon Bay looked like. howling.

From time to time, frustrated voices sounded in the D6 area. In just ten minutes, twelve people were eliminated and became the spoils of war in the hands of others.

Michelle almost became one of them, and if it wasn't for Ryan's long arms to drag him down, a tall melee soldier would be able to choke him, forcing him to incapacitate, adding to the number of "corpses". one.

"Hehe, the action is quite fast." The tall melee soldier looked critically at Ryan, who was shorter and thinner than him, with contemptuous provocation in his eyes, but his heart was ready to challenge the strong, his intuition Tell him that the man with obvious oriental blood in front of him should not be underestimated.

Sure enough, Ryan's slightly bent right foot suddenly exerted force, and the whole person became a long, relaxed, spear attacking one after another. The speed was extremely fast, leaving afterimages in the air, forcing the tall warrior to keep raising his arm to block.

"I'm sorry!" Michelle growled angrily. He didn't help much and caused trouble for Ryan. Without falling into guilt, he took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his state, standing behind Ryan to cause trouble for those who dared to sneak attack, allowing Ryan to concentrate on the charge.

Ryan nodded. Michelle has slender hands and feet, flexible eyes, and a tenacious heart, so she can safely hand over her back to this newcomer who is participating in the competition for the first time. Choosing new people is a challenge. If you use it well, you will not worry about betrayal; if you use it badly, it will be a burden. He bet right.

Behind him, Michelle grew wiser and knew how to take precautions. He swept Ryan aside to prevent others from attacking, and then found that the intellectual Su Liye was also very powerful, and the sound of his knife hitting the meat It sounded sour, as if the only rookie was him... As a true combatant in a melee unit, he was a good guy.

His ears moved, and he heard the tall warrior shout, "Master!"

The tall warrior continued to shout: "What's your name, which department? It's amazing, when the game is over, I'll ask you to learn from it."

"You can also learn from each other now." Ryan hooked his lips and smiled, "Ryan, the mecha repairer."

The tall man was stunned, because he was almost hit by Ryan's blow at a pause. Fortunately, he reacted in time to dodge sideways. Ryan's fist rubbed his nose and hit him, and the fist wind hurt his flesh.

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