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*not edited

Chapter Sixteen

I storm out of my car, irritated, and stalk into the house. Yelling comes from the other room, and I pick up the pace to see what's happening. The girls are trying to detain Harry from getting into the living room. The kitchen and dining hall are a complete mess with broken tables and glass everywhere.

"Amira, Help!" Heather shouts when she sees me. I run over to help them wrestle Harry down as he grunts and snaps at us. He doesn't seem like himself at all. His eyes were hollow and empty.

I sit on his chest and grab his wrists, trying to get him to stop fidgeting around and look at him. "What's wrong with him?" I ask them.

"I don't know," Jules says, and I turn to Heather, hoping she knows. Harry thrashes around, and Jules goes to sit on his legs. Both our weight were on him, making it harder for him to move. I'm sure he'll eventually push us off when he regains his breath and strength, but right now, I can at least think.

"I think he's having an episode. I've seen it once. Not this bad, though. I don't know what he's on, but I think he takes medication for something."

"Did you guys look in his bathroom?"

"Yes, we didn't find anything. Maybe he stopped taking them, and that's why he's like this." Okay, he's clearly not faking this, then.

I turn to Harry, trying to get his attention. "Harry, listen to me. It's Amira. Take a deep breath for me," I say, but it's like he didn't even hear me. I grip the side of his face and repeat what I say. This time his eyes hold on to mine, and the hollow and empty look disappears. His eyes start to look more like their soft greens again. His lips blow out a slow breath.

"That's right, breathe."

"Amira," his voice croaked.

"Yeah, we're going to get off you. Are you better now?" I softly asked.

"I think so." And I nod to Jules, and we get off of him. He sits up and looks around him, seeing the disaster he caused.

"Did I do that?"

"Yeah, you scared the living shit out of us," Jules snapped. "Almost took me out with those knives you were throwing." Her nostrils flared.

"Guys can you leave us," I try to say in the most respectful way. Jules stomps off, not thinking twice about it.

"You sure?" Heather asks, worried about leaving me alone with him, and I don't blame her after what she's seen.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She whips her body around and leaves the living room.

"I'm sorry about the mess. Samara will kill me when she sees this," Harry mumbles.

"Harry, what was that about. What happened? I've never seen you so... manic before."

"Um, it just happens sometimes when I'm stressed. I was good when I was taking my meds—"

"But you stopped. Why?"

"Because they mess up my head. I hate the way I feel on them."

"Okay, I understand but didn't they help with these episodes."

"Yeah, but I told you they only happened when I'm super stressed. I just need to let off some steam, and I'll be fine," he grumbles, getting off the ground. I stand to meet his eyes, trying to read them. What's going on in his head right now?

"Alright, but what happens when we're on the important mission against the Serpent. I'm sure you're going to get stressed. What if you have one of your episodes again and blow our cover or worse, get us killed," I rant, irritated how he can't see how bad not taking his meds could be.

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