𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5- 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝐺𝑖𝑓𝑡

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"So Sienna is it." The guy asked
I was currently in Jack Daniels office. He was the head of the secret service building which was two floors above the BAU. I was bring him paperwork
"Yes Dr. Sienna Davis." I replied
"You are very sexy to be a doctor." He said with lust filled eyes
"I'm gonna go now." I said
I turned around and tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Hey let me out." I said
"Hon no one gets in or out unless I want them to." He replied
He walked up to me and handcuffed me to the door.
"Hey let me go." I yelled
"No one can hear you either." He replied
He pulled up my skirt and pulled down his pants.
"I'm gonna make you scream." He whispered
He entered me in one swift motion. I was squirming and wiggling trying to get out. He kept going until I was forced to release. He let me out the handcuffs as I fell to the floor and was crying.
"Aww is the Doctor scared." He said in a baby voice
He came up to me and pushed me up the wall.
"Please." I begged
He raped me over and over again.
6 times
I remember him entering me 6 times.
They next he tried to enter me again I kicked him in the balls and then opened the door. I ran to the elevator and pushed six. It finally opened and I was greeted with Penelope and Derek.
"Hey doc." He said
"Please don't call me that." I whimpered remembering that he called me that
"Sorry mamas what's wrong." He asked
"Is Hotch here." I asked
"Yeah." He said
"Where?"I asked
"His office."
I walked past them and opened Aaron's office door.
"Hey." He said
I looked at him with tear filled eyes. My skirt still bunched up. A large cut on my head and scratch marks on my thighs. Bruises forming on my legs and neck from him choking me
"Aaron." I gasped
"Sienna what's wrong." He asked standing up and walking towards me
"Jack- Jack Daniels  touched me and he, he raped me." I struggled to get out
"I'm gonna kill him." Aaron said getting ready to leave
"No no no please don't don't leave me." I asked holding his chest
"Everyone conference room. NOW" He yelled as he sat me on the couch
"Hotch what's going on." Emily asked as he was walking in with me
"Ok first things first, Sienna and I are engaged." He blurted out
"Wow congrats man." Derek said
Everyone said their congrats and hugs but no one noticed Sienna in the far corner
"Agent Hotchner." A male voice said
I immediately started hyperventilating. Emily was the first to notice me and walked over
"Sienna what's wrong." She asked
"Jack one min." Aaron said closing the door in his face
"Hotch what's going on." Spencer asked
"Jack Daniels assaulted and raped Sienna." Aaron replied
"What." Morgan yelled
"I'm gonna kill him." JJ said
"No please I need someone who I can trust to help me and I don't want Aaron to do it because I know he is gonna get mad when he sees what he did." I said breaking the silence
"Baby I'm already mad." He replied taking my hand in his
"I'm sorry I brung you guys into this." I said to everyone
"Hey no mamas we are family. We got your back." Morgan said
"JJ, Garcia let's go get her cleaned up." Emily said
"Hotch you handle Jack we got sienna." JJ said
"I love you." He said
"I love you to." I replied kissing his lips
"Take care of her." He said opening the door
"Ok sienna we are gonna get you to the showers." Emily said
We walked to the showers as I started taking off my clothes. They patched up the scratches and washed me off. They helped me into a pair of sweats and one of Aaron's dress shirts. They put my hair in a messy bun and handed me my glasses.
"Thank you." I said
"Whatever you need honey. We are gonna order some food ok." Garcia asked
"Yeah I'm just gonna chill in Aaron's office." I replied
I stood up and walked down to his office. I opened the door to see Jack.
"Sienna." Aaron said
"Dr Davis how are you." He said walking towards me
I flinched when his hand made it's way to the wall. He engulfed me in a hug and I just shook in his arms. He pulled away and said his goodbyes before leaving. I collapsed on the floor as Aaron ran towards me and helped me up. He held me as I cried
"I know I'm sorry." He said as he calmed me down
"I wanna go home and I want you to just hold me." I breathed out
"Ok I'm gonna get my stuff and I'm gonna have someone just hold you while I get my things." He said
"Morgan my office." He yelled
"What's up Hotch." He asked
"Can you just comfort her while I get our stuff together, Jack came in and it wasn't good." He explained
Morgan came up towards me and engulfed me in a hug
"It's gonna be ok." He said
Aaron shortly after got everything together and in the car. He helped me in the car as we drove home.
"Do you want some food love." He asked tucking me in the covers
"Will you just hold me until I fall asleep." I asked
He smiled and got in as I laid my head on his chest drifting in to sleep with the sound of his heartbeat.

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