Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Shay's POV

By the time I woke up that morning, Nick was gone. There was no question in my mind that I already missed him. When I rolled over towards my nightstand, I saw a plate of French toast and a note. I reached out to grab it and reading it caused my heart to skip a beat.

I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. I was going to say goodbye, but I ended up staring at you for 10 minutes and almost missed my flight. So there's that..Anyways, I made you some breakfast so please eat something. Call me when you wake up. I love you so much.

I took my phone out of my charger and pressed his icon.

"Wow Nick, it didn't even ring yet. What were you doing? Staring at it, waiting for me to call?" I joked with him.

"Ha.. ha, actually I took it out the moment you called, so that's what happened."

"Oh sure it is," I teased him.

"Whatever," he teased back. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"I slept fine, by the way thanks for breakfast. I am eating it now and it's really good."

"Hahaha! Of course it's good, it's French toast. The one dish I actually make that's good."

"Oh Nick, your cooking isn't that bad," I reassured him.

"So what's going on today?"

"Ah nothing much, I have a doctors appointment in about an hour. So I have to get ready for that."

"I should probably let you go then. I'm already in the hotel in New York, so I have a meeting to go to as well."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." I missed his voice after we hung up, but I knew we'll be talking again soon.

After I had breakfast, I got up and went into our closest. I stood in front of our dirty laundry ben and took out one of Nick's shirts. Just as I suspected, it still smelt like him. I placed it on, tied the back, then tucked the knot under. Maybe about a few inches of my belly was showing, which was fine. I've never been afraid of showing off a little skin. After I pulled up my pink ruffled short shirt, I went into the bathroom to finish myself off.

About 10 minutes later, I was ready and took a seat on the couch. I pulled my phone out and decided to check Twitter. I had over a hundred notifications from fans. I skimmed through favoriting the ones I liked and retweeted a couple I found funny.

Shannon Werle Retweeted
@Nick&Shay: FINALLY!!! The World War is over!

I haven't been on in months, so it surprised me when I got to a tweet Kevin posted a couple day's before his passing.

@kevinjonas: Sending all my love to my family & fans out there! This world wouldn't be complete without you! #blessed

Looking down it already had over 135k favorites and 67.5 retweets. I caught my breath then did my share. I knew I would get a lot of crap for reminding everyone, but I had to show my respect to Kevin.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted. After my appointment, which they only changed the dosage, I decided to walk around the mall for a bit. I didn't buy anything, but it was nice to look around. A few fans noticed me and asked for pictures, along with "Where's Nick?" I told he's away on a trip in New York. It's not like it was a secret or anything.

Once I went to the kitchen to check what to have for dinner, my phone went off.

"Hey Shay, me and Demi just made dinner, would you like to come over?" I sighed deeply in the phone at his grammar mistake.

"Joe, it's Demi and I, not me and Demi," I corrected him.

"Uhh does it really matter?"

"Yes, it does. Not only is it the correct way to speak, it's respectful to put the other person first before yourself." The other end got real quiet, so I knew he was thinking.

"Are you coming over or not?" He asked annoyed. I let out a laugh and hung up the phone. I grabbed my house keys and black leather jacket, until it went off again.

How did your appointment go? You never called or texted back. I hope all is well, I miss you.

As I was locking my door, I gave Nick a call.

"I was just thinking about you," he joked.

"Mmhm, what else is new?" I joked back. His laugh calmed my undefined nerves.

"I'm in my hotel room now, so we could do something fun," he suggested.

"You know I don't play like that," I nervously laughed.

"I meant we could have a Skype date or something."

"Oh, well I just got invited to dinner at your brothers, maybe afterwards?"

"That's fine by me, I have nothing better to do tonight. I'll go ahead and let you go, tell them I said hi."

"Of course, I love you."

"I love you too."

The yelling of Demi caught my attention as I stood outside their front door. I started to question on rather I should knock or just leave. My decision got made for me once Joe cracked open the door.

"Hey, come on in," he whispered opening it the rest of the way. He went to take my coat, but I stopped him.

"I'm actually really cold," I confessed.

"Really? It's only about 70 degrees in the house."

"I know," I softly spoke. I grew up in the mountains, so I'm pretty used to the cold, yet I always am.

"I wish I could stay for dinner, but a friend of mine is sick," Demi announced grabbing her coat and purse. She made her way to Joe to kiss him goodbye, then gave me a hug before exiting out the front door.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me," Joe said shrugging his shoulders. I nodded my head as we both went into the kitchen to grab our plates. Dinner tonight was homemade tacos and they were delicious.

He and I sat in the living room watching TV after we ate and went back and forth with small talk.

"Have you talked with Nick?" He asked lowering the TV volume.

"I did just before I got here. He seems to be doing just fine..What was Demi yelling about?" I asked while I finally took off my jacket.

"Oh, it's just her friend being sick and all. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, so-" My Skype call from Nick interrupted him
mid-sentence. I stared down at his picture not knowing if I should answer. I didn't want to be rude, but at the same time I've been waiting for his call. Joe patted my knee then stood up. "I guess that's my call to jump in the shower." He gave me a kiss on the head then left. As I went to answer, I noticed the missed call notification.

"Oh crap," I whispered softly and quickly called him back. He appeared on my screen shirtless with wet hair. My eyes doubled in size as I was not expecting to see him like that. ""

"Why hello to you to," he laughed. I could feel my face instantly turning red, as he laughed even harder. "Wasn't expecting this now were you?" He teased.

"Ya think?" I laughed back. "But hey, I'm not complaining, you look great."

"Haha! Thanks, I was about ready to go to bed but figured, I would give you a call instead. It's been what, not even one day and I already miss you like crazy." An evil smile was painted on my face as this would be a great opportunity to mess with him.

"You miss me huh? It doesn't seem like you miss me, why don't you and your sexy body prove it?" His pupils growing made my stomach start to fluster with nerves and butterflies. He placed his chin down then gave me an seducing look.

"I thought you didn't play like that. Am I that much of a turn on?"

"Mmm, baby you have no idea," I purred now getting up from my seat. He bit his lower lip as I knew he was trying to control himself. "Let's take this home, I promise when I'm done with you, you'll be begging me for more.."

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