Chapter 3

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Shay's POV

Two hours later we finally got to our cabin. As we pulled onto the dirt road, I looked at all the trees that surrounded us.

Before my parents passed, we'd come here all the time. Frankly, they died in a car accident when I was 16. I miss them terribly.

"Well, looks like nothing has changed," Joe mentioned getting out of his truck. From the back seat, Nick wrapped me in his arms.

"Are you okay? We could go back if you want," he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm glad we're here. I missed this place so much," I responded holding his hand. He nodded his head, then we both got out to grab our stuff from the back
Nick and I interlocked fingers as we made our way inside. Joe was already inside searching around the kitchen.

"Don't we have any food in this place?" he whined.

"Nope, we have to fish for it. Remember?" I laughed at him.

"Ugh!" He groaned throwing his body on the coach. Nick laughed at his pitiful brother.

"Might as well get going. Do you want to come?" Joe shook his head then took out his cellphone.
"Alright, suit yourself," Nick smirked. As they were talking, I made my way to the back to grab two fishing poles.

When I entered the room I found Nick checking himself.

"Is everything okay?" I asked rubbing his shoulder. He smiled down at me.

"Everything is fine sweetheart. Are you ready to go?" I nodded my head as we headed out the door. "We'll be back soon!" Nick yelled from outside.

"You better catch something or you two will be sleeping with them!" Joe yelled back. Nick and I both laughed interlocking our fingers once again.

It took about 10 minutes to get to the lake. It's so beautiful with the open space that surrounded it. The water is so clear that you can see everything it withholds inside.

We placed our bait on our poles as we both flung it out into the water. As we patiently waited, I caught Nick staring at me.

"What?" I asked him giggling.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful," he smirked. I blushed and was about to kiss him when my pole started to bend. We gave our attention to the water as I was fighting to bring the fish in. Once it got close enough, Nick grabbed it. "Nice one!"

"Thanks, it's a decent size don't you think?" The fish flopped in Nick's hand as he took the hook out.

"Yeah it is!" He said excitedly placing the rope through the fish's mouth then gills. He placed it in the water as I grabbed more bait. "Looks like we won't be sleeping with the fishes after all," he joked. I playfully hit his arm then casted back out. The line seemed to get caught by the wind as it flew backwards into Nick's arm. "Ow!" He cried out removing the hook from his skin.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I quickly grabbed his arm and rubbed it.

"Don't worry about it," he laughed. "I always knew I was a good catch," he smirked. I rolled my eyes at his stupid joke. He smiled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

After about an hour Nick and I headed back with our fish. Nick got two while I caught four. He wasn't to happy about that..

Nick opened the door for me as we entered. Joe was fast asleep on the couch. Nick gave me an evil grin then quietly made his way to his brother. He took one of the fish and made Joe kissed it. I covered my mouth as I started to laugh.

"Hm, Demi..Is that new lipstick I taste?..I like it.." Joe mumbled in his sleep. Nick and I busted up laughing. Joe suddenly opened his eyes to find himself face to face with a dead trout, "Ahh! What the fuck?" He screamed flipping backwards off the couch. We both rushed to his side to help him up. "Hey! No, get away from me with that!" He yelled stepping back.

"Aw why? You didn't like getting kissed by the Demi fish? I think it likes you," Nick teased shoving it back in his face. He swiped it away then made his way out the back door.

"You think you're so funny don't you? I'm going to go call my girlfriend." The door shut and Nick and I were alone.

"You're so mean," I playfully punched him. He grabbed my hand then pulled me in tight against his chest. I wrapped my arms around him as we both walked backwards towards the kitchen. "Hun, can we put the fish away first?" I asked trying to get out of his grip. He looked down at me then sighed. He grabbed our fish and placed them in the fridge.

As he was doing that I made my way to the living room. A light brown wooded acoustic guitar laid on it's stand by the wall. Nick saw it and grabbed it as I sat on the couch. He sat down next to me, beginning to tune it.

"Let's write something," he suggested placing it back on his lap.

"Um okay, what should the song be about?"

"Us," he smirked. I smiled at the thought of how sweet that would be. Nick strummed then began to sing whatever words came to mind. "You take me where I've never been. Help me on my feet again. Showing me good things come to those who wait. Tell me I'm not on my own. Tell me I won't be alone. Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake." My heart knew what it had to say. So I quickly cut him off and sang what it felt.

"Because if anyone could make me fall in love, you can. Save me from myself, you can. And it's you and no one else. If I could wish upon tomorrow, tonight will never end. And if you ask me I would follow. But for now I just pretend. Because if anyone could make me fall in love you can." Nick's smile grew as he then cut me off.

"Baby when you look at me. Tell me what do you see? Are these the eyes of someone you could love? Cause everything that brought me here. And now it all seems so clears. Baby you're the one I've been dreaming of. If anyone could make me fall in love."

"Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes."

"Bring me to my knees and make me cry."

"No one has ever done this. Everything was just lie."

"But I know, yeah I know."

I scooted over next to him. With my head on his shoulder. I stared down at his strumming fingers. "So this is where it all begins. Please tell me that it'll never end."

"I can't fool myself, it's you and no one else." I smiled to myself as every time he interrupted me. It was as if he already knew what I was going to say. He made the beauty of writing a song much more magical. So I closed my eyes and continued to bring the song to a end.

"And if we wish upon tomorrow. Tonight will never end. And if you ask me I would follow. But for now I just pretend. Because if anyone could make me fall in love you can."

"Show me that good things come to those who wait."

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