Moving On.

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1 Year Later:

The hero Deku used their obviously heroic quirk to blasted down the door. This hero had taken a name that was meant for another in order to remember them in a twisted way. His hero suit was black, orange, with plenty of green accents. The only metallic color on it was the bulky neck guard and the small pendant he wore on a durable chain. The pendant itself was remarkable, as he was never seen without it: a miniature scythe. It was a reminder, he failed to save one girl, he wouldn't fail this time. He blasted through every wall, trying to keep up with Mirio Togata, a fellow intern who had the ability to be faster than he when it came to a straight race. He went through yet another wall, before hearing a horrifying bang sound from the other side of another one. This twisted Yakuza facility was a labyrinth, and he was trying to reach its prize. When he entered, he became nauseous to the iron tang of blood, as well as the effect of an enemy's quirk, but continued to fight on, blasting the one causing the nausea. He could hear Mirio ahead, fighting another Yakuza member. The space opened into a straight hallway as he blew up yet another wall... as if there weren't enough of those. The Yakuza member known as Mimic was slammed into the wall, knocked out, presumably by Mirio, while another two were down the hall. Running, he saw Mirio with a stone spike through his chest. He was barely alive. "Nonono!" He immediately moved to assist, the one good thing that might be said about him.

The blond hero intern, "Don't... worry about me. Get Eri!"

He wanted to protest. There had to be something he could do... "But..."

"Go!" He coughed blood, unable to continue on. At this moment, every second counted.


Bakugo, hesitant before, now bolted down the hall. She was the victim of these Yakuza monsters. Although, he had to admit, two years ago, he would've been just like them, except with the opposite philosophy. However, now he had to focus on the one goal. He rounded the corner and found her. He ran over Overhaul's decapitated corpse, to the small silver-haired girl. She was on the floor, shot through the heart, cold to the touch. She had no heartbeat. In that moment, nothing else mattered to him as he wept over the corpse of the girl he promised to save. He failed again. His attention was drawn to the light hanging at the end of the hall. It  flickered, and two silhouettes were shown: A small girl, identical to Eri, and a large woman, guiding her down the hall away from them. She wore a trencoat and carried a scythe. Deku couldn't help but smile, seeing Eri's soul guided by Izumi. He continued to cry as the raid ended, carrying Eri's body out of the facility to the shocked outer perimeter forces. He was present as she was buried in a small grave on UA's grounds, a reminder of the innocence UA's heroes fight to protect. And he would become their most ardent defender.

The End.


At least, that's how it should've been, even in his mind. He couldn't even save the girl in his dream of a possible reality. But Katsuki Bakugo never got that chance. Why? Well, the fool brought it on himself.

His class knew he lied through his teeth, so they didn't believe a word he said. When he got comfortable with them over time, more and more of his old personality came back. His brashness, his assertiveness, his aggressiveness... it came back in force. That drove people away, more than he'd like to admit...

And then came the incident. Unlike the others, there was no villain to deflect or take the blame. This was all on him.

And it was completely avoidable.

Until Death Do You Partحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن