"Hey, I'm allowed to get high if I want," Sam spoke taken aback by my harsh tone.

"Yeah, but not with Carter being your first time. I wanted to be with you the first time you smoke," I complained, hating how whiny I sounded.

Sam's expression softened, "aww that's sweet; you're not mad I got high, you're upset I lost my smoking weed virginity with Carter."

"Eh don't fucking say it like that," I cringed, but Sam laughed and that was our conversation on the previous night. Then I got the watch Sam get ready for school before we exchanged out 'I love you's and 'goodbye's.


"For Monday," my art teacher started. It was the end of class Thursday, I was folding up my easel while Dina was putting away the props we used for our still life drawings. "I want you all to have three portraits from three different faces. These portraits must be a different style for each face. Realistic, you could do a caricature, abstract. Be creative. For every portrait beyond the three assigned, you will get extra credit for," she explained before dismissing us.

"Wanna draw each other?" Dina asked in excitement once we left the class. Jude was a little ways down the sidewalk, seeming to be on the phone, but headed our way.

"Yeah, I guess. We need three portraits, you, Alice, and-" and Jude caught up to us, shoving his phone in his back pocket. "Jude can be my third."

"Third for what?" Jude asked and we all headed towards the parking lot.

"We have to draw portraits for class," Dina explained, her hand folding into Jude's hand.

"Oh cool. Yeah, we should all hang out tonight," Then turning to me, Jude asked, "you have your own place, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose you guys could come to mine."

And that was how my small apartment became the hang out spot for the night (and many nights after that). Dina and I were set up with our sketchbook in my living room while Alice sat on the couch in a still position as we drew her. Dina decided on a caricature for Alice while I choose the abstract look. We were going to draw Jude next then each other. And for extra credit- which I couldn't believe I was caring about- I was going to draw Ciera. 

While Dina and I were completing our homework, I felt a hand on my back while I was lining Alice's hair on my open page. "Damn, Noah, you're pretty good," Jude spoke to me in a low voice.

"Thanks," I said and didn't think twice about Jude's hand being on me until it slid lower. I looked at Jude and was about to say something, until he stepped towards Dina and placed his hand on her lower back as well before complementing her art.

Fuck, Sam was getting to me with his paranoia over Jude liking me. I checked the time on my phone. Sam was still at work. I sighed and finished the rest of Alice's portrait, trying to focus more on being with my friends than worrying about Sam's jealousy.

"Can I pick my pose?" Jude questioned with a suggestive grin once Dina and I completed our drawings of Alice.

"No one wants to see you naked," Ciera claimed with her signature bored tone.

"Hey, you wish you could see me naked," Jude jested then took his shirt off. Ciera, Alice, and I booed him. Jude laughed, "fuck you guys, I'm art," he claimed as he took a stool from the kitchen and sat down in the pose he wanted. I shook my head, but began drawing him. I decided on the realistic form of drawing for Jude, starting with an outline of his body.

The rest of the day was just bullshitting around with my friends and finishing mine and Dina's homework.

It was in the evening when Alice left and Ciera and Dina went to pick up food from Wing Stop. It was just Jude and I and our conversation on school work quickly changed to a different matter, "So how long have you been with Sam?" Jude asked me. We were playing Super Smash Bros Brawl.

"A year and two months," I answered.

"Hm. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be with someone like him."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, but was more so paying attention to the game.

"I mean, he seems a bit of a... square while you're more out there. No offense."

I laughed, "Trust me, it's the opposite. Sam is far more 'out there' than I am. He was just anxious at the party meeting all of you guys." That might've been a lie; he wasn't anxious that night, he was jealous. But I wasn't about to tell Jude that Sam basically hates him for absolutely no reason.

"What do you even see in him?" Jude questioned, but his tone didn't come off rude, he sounded more genuinely curious.

"Sam's sexy as hell," was my response. Obviously there was way more to loving Sam than just his stunning self.

"Pfft, so you're shallow and only like him for his body?"

"No. He's intelligent, funny, he's kind. He never takes my shit when I'm being a dick. It's never boring with him and," I smirked at Jude, "the sex is really fucking good."

"Really? How many guys have you been with?"

"Just Sam."

The game was paused and Jude looked at me like he couldn't believe what I just said, "Just Sam? How can you even say the sex is good with nothing to compare it to?"

"I mean I've had sex before Sam. My ex girlfriend and I would fuck all the time."

Jude looked pleasantly surprised, "ah, so you're into both."

"I'm into Sam," I corrected because my boyfriend was the only person I was interested in and the only person I wanted to be with. Was I attracted to both males and females, yes, but wasn't that irrelevant when the person I was with was the only one I wanted?

Jude laughed my statement off, "boy, you haven't experienced anything yet. Just wait."

I was about to question him on that comment, but my front door swung open, Ciera and Dina came in with our picked up food. I'd have to ask about that later.


New chapter of Simply Elliot out Sunday! Thank you for reading <3 comment and vote!

Chapter 21 is good, mmm you guys will like it.

-Xoxo Bert

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