Impatient Ilus watched the clock. Fast he tapped his foot repeatedly and finally hit his desk: "Fuck it! Pack it up! You're all dismissed!". His team cheered and thanking stormed into the kitchen or their rooms. Now Ilus was on his way to the basement, with the knife tight in his hands. He almost slipped on the blood puddles. He simpered: "If they carried up so much, then he must be so weak right now... Ohhhhh Zachary~~~". After he turned on the light, he ripped his eyes open. Angry screams could be heard through the two doors leading to the basement. Zigz, Shark, Koi and Henry looked at each other startled. Insecure Zigz asked: "We kept him alive, didn't we?". Henry raised his hands: "Fishhead was even there, he gave me his certainty". As they heard rushing steps from the stairs, Zigz and Shark were first to leg it. Koi was smart enough to follow up very quickly.

Left over was Henry, who froze in the open room. Ilus approached him with raging eyes: "Where is he?!". He shook his head: "We didn't-". Suddenly Ilus grabbed him by the neck and choked his sentence off. Henry could only gasp. Dexter came down the stairs: "Guys, is this horrible Whitefur supposed to crawl around in the garden?". Immediately Ilus let go and sprinted outside. He spotted his enemy and threw himself onto him: "What are you doing here?!". With last will and hope Whitefur sharpened his eyes and started a brawl. Directly Ilus hit back and he saw a knife in his belt: "You little bitch freed yourself, yeah? You won't escape my hand! I'm going to kill you, here and now!". Whitefur couldn't defend himself with words anymore, but he shoved Ilus off himself and fought with his last force.

They actually both got hit. At some point Ilus grabbed both wrists of Whitefur and growled strained: "Stop being so stubborn! Don't think I wouldn't have run out into the field in our last fight because I was afraid to get my hands dirty! I'd love to fistfight with you one more time! After you wanted to play motorcycle races with guns like a coward! Only scaredy cats use ranged weapons exclusively! Come one, how long can you keep up? With all your broken bones, missing body parts, weakened organs? You've got to be in horrifying pain! Just give up already!". He gained dominance and rolled over in a way that Whitefur was lying underneath him again. Two more hits he gave him. Then he stood on his feet, dragged him up and threw him against the building wall. Finally, he pulled out his knife.

Completely impoverished Whitefur was sitting against the wall. Ilus took big steps towards him: "Why won't you get up again? Come here and give me one last hug". Whitefur stopped moving, only breathed unwieldy. Smiling Ilus reached his hand out to him: "I forgot, your spine is broken too. Here, I'll even help you". He took him into his arms and rammed the knife into his back. Quietly Whitefur whimpered. Unexpectedly Whitefur put his arms around Ilus, but he just simpered: "Unbelievable... In your very last second you regret what you've done... But it's way too late... You were important to me once, too. So I'll help you, before you have to cry pathetically...". With that Ilus stabbed him into the back of his head and silence took over.

Free from his demons Ilus rested his head back and let Whitefur fall to the ground. Scared Koi, Shark, Henry and Zigz were standing in the door frame around the corner. "Freedom...", Ilus huffed smiling, "I could run forever...". Carefully Henry asked very quietly: "Are you good?". He looked over to them and started dancing: "Get the gasoline, the Saint Martin's fire comes early this year!". Koi raised an eyebrow: "Saint who?". Shortly Ilus was bewildered, then he waved off: "Oh right, you aren't Europeans. Except you, Shark, but you don't celebrate that either. Who cares?". Happy from the bottom of his heart he kept prancing and slipped on the blood. Yet, his mood couldn't be ruined.

Hesitant the members could exhale. In the end they were standing in front of a high burning fire, to have nothing left of Whitefur. Shark looked at a photo of Olga. He clenched his teeth and let it fall to the flames. Henry tapped his arm: "You're very strong". He nodded with closed eyes. Zigz glanced up to Kiki's room, where only a small light was on: "Hopefully I did you enough justice...". Attentive Henry thought about Dexter. He was just glad that he was able to smile again. Koi almost dozed off. He got his revenge and was now tired. At last, there was nothing for Ilus he had to worry about. Almost nothing.

~short addition~

Henry walked into their bedroom and laughed irritated: "Are you playing vacation planning?". Ilus was standing in front of the half packed suitcase and asked over his shoulder: "Are you really not mad that I attacked you...?". "At first I was shocked, but I understand. The bruises are gone already. But seriously, what are you doing there?", he approached him. Sighing Ilus dropped his shoulders: "You know...? You call Dexter the brother you've never had. He supports you, is there for you... Even though you often get into arguments and almost only have different opinions... It's just... I miss my brother...", he gulped and Henry sat on the bed edge with a worried face. With a trembling voice he added: "That's why I'm not going to be here for two weeks... I'm going to go visit him and mother in Russia... You're... staying here...".

After a short silence Henry giggled: "You seem to have a harder time that we're going to be seperated for two weeks than I have". "After all your calls for attention?", Ilus was confused. -"Am I supposed to throw myself on my knees and plead for you to keep on pampering me? I'd rather have you settle things with Mitya. At the end of the day you're related by blood. I'll always wait for you". Happy Ilus hugged him: "Thank you, so much... I... I- I...". Blushing Henry grinned: "I love you too...".

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