Chapter 16

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'Wanna get high?' I asked her. She thought for a moment. 'On what?' She asked. 'Hmm.. shimmer or weed. They both are good.' I said. 'Which one do you prefer?' She asked. I thought. 'I think shimmer. It really makes you feel alive.' I said.

'Where can we get it?' She asked. 'I don't think Silco would let us borrow some.' I looked up. 'I know a guy.' I said. 'You do? How?' She asked. 'He's a regular. Gets many piercings and tattoos.' I said. 'And his prices are cheap. Only two coins for half a dozen masks.' She looked confused. 'Masks?'

'Yeah, masks. Like those fresh air ones in your room.' I said. She nodded. 'Yeah. I'll get high with you.' She said. 'Just get out the bath first.' She said and giggled. I smiled at got up. She stared at me while I got dry and the bath water drained.

I walked to her room, almost completely naked, and borrowed her clothes. I didn't wear a bra, cause they suck. She kept looking at me the entire time and I pretended not to notice. I purposely dragged my hands around my body seductively after every clothing piece, and she loved it.

I got some coins and we walked out together. She held my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled and kissed her hand. She blushed. 'Don't you have work today?' Jinx asked me. 'I do..' I said and smiled. 'But Im fucking exhausted.' I added.

We walked around for a bit, I tried to remember where he would be. 'Do you even know where he is?' She asked me. 'Of course I do. Just not always.' I said. She giggled. 'What day is it?' I asked her. 'Tuesday.' She said. 'I know where he is.'

I walked to his place and knocked. 'Why did the day even matter?' She asked me. 'He's only home on certain days.' I said. The door opened after a short while and I looked at him. 'Y/n! Welcome!' He said. 'Hey heavy!' I said and walked in, followed by Jinx.

'Who's your friend?' Heavy asked me. 'Jinx. She's my girlfriend.' I said. I sat down with her and layed my head on her shoulder. 'Well, what are you here for?' Heavy asked me. 'Some shimmer.' I said. He smiled. 'That can be arranged.'

He walked out the room and I looked at Jinx. She looked down at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I leaned up and kissed her lightly. She kissed me back and pressed her mouth more onto mine.

Heavy walked back in and looked at us. 'Alright love birds. Here you go.' He said and put the masks on the table infront of us. I pulled back and grabbed the coins out of my pocket. I gave him two and grabbed the masks. 'Pleasure doing business with you.'

We walked back out and I turned around to Heavy. 'I'll see you another time.' I said. He waved goodbye and walked back inside. I held Jinx's hand and walked back to her place. 'How many did we get?' Jinx asked me. 'I think seven.' I answered.

'Is Silco there? I don't think he would like this very much.' I asked. 'Hm.. I don't know. But we can sneak in.' Jinx answered. 'Wouldn't that be hard?' I questioned. 'Not harder then me.' She said and smirked. I giggled and bit my lip. 'We will see about that later on..'

We got to her place and I looked at her. 'How the hell do we sneak in?' I asked. 'Just cause a distraction. He will leave and we can go.' She said. I nodded my head. 'Smart.' I said. 'What kind of distraction?' She thought for a moment. 'An explosion?'

'How do you make a fucking explosion?' I asked. 'Easy.' She said. 'I have dynamite.' I looked at her, surprised. 'You do?' I asked. 'Yeah. And bombs, as you know. I have a lot of explosives.' She said. I just nodded. 'Don't be scared. We won't kill anyone. I hope.'

Jinx grabbed a small bomb she for some reason had with her and looked around. 'Where should we throw it?' She questioned. I looked around and sighed. 'We could just, get in silently?' I said. 'No need for explosives.' She looked at me. She put the safety pin in her mouth and pulled it out.

She threw it behind her but kept looking at me. I watched it fall near a bird and watched it explode. I flinched at the sound and looked at Jinx. She just smiled. She grabbed my hand and kissed me. 'Come on. It wasn't that big.' She said and dragged me inside.

Silco was already outside, trying to find what caused the explosion. She dragged me to her room and locked the door. I dumped the masks on her desk and grabbed two. I gave one to her and looked at her. 'You ready?' I asked her. She nodded. I put on my mask and breathed in the toxic air.

I rolled my eyes up while the shimmer went inside my lungs. It felt so bad, but so good. It hurt, but it was addicting. I breathed back out and looked at Jinx. She took her first breath in and coughed. I took another breath in and held my chest. This shit hurts, in a good way.

I kept breathing it in and out. Jinx kept going aswel, but had a small cough in between. The toxic air in my lungs has begun its effect. It spread through my body and I felt myself starting to shake lightly. I looked at her and she looked at me.

Her eyes were purple. I've just realised. They were blue before, they are purple now. I took a big breath in and rolled my eyes up. I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed in my eyes. I was getting tired.

I sat down on the floor and took a deep breath. Jinx sat next to me and held my hand. She looked at me with desire in her eyes. I'm pretty sure it's the shimmer in her system. She dragged her hand up my arm, never breaking eye contact.

She took off her mask, and breathed out purple smoke. Her mouth was slightly parted and she was heavily blushing. Her eyes were red on the sides. You could tell that she was high. She reached for my mask and took it off, smirking.

I wasn't as high as she was, or even close. She leaned in and kissed me, grabbing my shirt. I kissed her back but something didn't feel right. She started kissing me more roughly and pressed her body against mine. I figured what she was hinting.

Her hands felt around my body, knowing it's ways to my soft spots. I could smell the shimmer in her breath. I could taste it on her lips. We kept kissing and she would make small noises in between. She started to lift up her shirt but I stopped her.

'You're high. I don't fuck high people.' I said. She looked dissatisfied. 'I'm not that high..~' she said, dragging out the last word. 'Yes you are. I know what it looks like.' I said. She looked at me in confusion. 'So you don't..want me?' She said.

'I do, just not when your high, okay? Your not thinking straight right now.' I said. She got off of me and pulled her knees up to her chin. Her head shifted to her left and she looked at something. She whispered stuff I couldn't understand.

This kept going on for a bit. She would have conversations with non existent people, but I didn't question it. She waved the people away and turned to look at me. Her eyes were still purple. 'I wanna try something.' She said. 'And what's that?' I asked. She smirked. 'I wanna fuck you. With my gun.'

'W-what?' I asked. She got closer to my face. 'I want to fuck you, With, my, gun.' She said and bit her lip. 'No bullets, just the gun. Unless you want it loaded.' She teased. Her hand went to my thigh and my breath slowed down. 'I'm not sure-' I said before she kissed me.

'It'll be fun!' She said. 'I mean- it's a little big..' I said. 'But you would if it was smaller?' She asked. 'I guess..' I said, hesitantly. 'Well, lucky you. I have a smaller one.' She said and got up. I looked at her while she walked away to get it.

She came back with an indeed, much smaller gun. It was one inch smaller, but still pretty big. She layed it on my lap. 'Good enough?' She said, smirking. I looked at her. 'Will it hurt?' I asked her. She shook her head. 'If we use enough lube, no.' I sighed.

'Fine. Fuck me with the gun.'

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