Chapter 4

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'Do you like metal?' I asked her. 'I don't know.' She responded. 'Oh that's gotta change!' I said. I started playing one of my favourite songs,"Ritual". The guitar started and I immediately got into a dancing pose. It took a few seconds for the words to come in.

'Three bodies, burned upon, the fires open flame" i sang along. 'Smoke pillars, torch the sky, ash raining to the earth.' Jinx just looked at me. 'We, call, out to all the deepest shadows.' I slightly head-banged along. 'Blood, red, sky, wash clean the filth of vermin.' Jinx smiled at me. 'God will bleed!' I basically yelled along. I giggled at myself. Then we heard a loud knock. I stopped the music and Jinx went to the door. She opened it and Silco was the one on the other side. 'Can you turn that god awful music off?!' He yelled. 'Sorry sir- Silco.' I apologised. Jinx closed the door, and after a few seconds we both laughed.

I layed on Jinx her lap, playing with her hair. Her legs were dangling off of the fan. 'You're really fun to be around.' I said to her. 'So are you!' She said back. I traced her tattoos with my hand. 'Can I do your nails?' She asked me. 'Sure!' I said and sat up, nearly falling of the edge while doing it. We both got up and she grabbed some nail polish. 'Which colours?' She asked me and showed me multiple colours. 'Oooh, purple and black would look nice!' She suddenly said, and opened one of them. I gave her my hand, and she immediately started painting them.

When she finished my nails, she went to look at her work. 'It looks good!' She said. I looked at my nails and layed back down, laying my hands on my stomach. 'What's wrong?' Jinx asked me. 'Just tired, I guess..' I said. I wasn't really tired. I was thinking about Vi. The taste of her lips were still on mine. She tastes quite nice, even though she was in.. prison, for a while. Then I felt something in my stomach. I sat up realising what it was. I quickly crawled to the edge of the fan and threw up.

Jinx was holding my hair away from my face while I just kept barfing. I finally stopped and sat up again, spitting out some small pieces. 'What happened? Are you okay?' Jinx immediately asked me. 'I-I'm fine. Just thought of something..' I said, assuring her. 'Was it that customer?' She said. I'll fucking kill them I swear..' she added, sighing. 'It's fine, I'll deal with them at one point.' I said, waving my hand. 'No need to kill someone for me.' She looked at me. 'Are you sure? I'll do it anytime-' she said before I cut her off. 'Why? Why would you kill someone for me?' I simply asked her.

'Well, uhm, because I'm your friend. I'll kill anyone for my friends!' She said, slightly blushing. She looked away from me. 'Thank you.' I said and hugged her from behind. She held my arms. 'Your welcome, dear.' She said, slightly smirking. I blushed. I loved pet names, but mostly Dear, love and stuff like that. 'What's wrong love? Flustered much?' She asked me. I hid my face. I can't catch feeling just from pet names can I? I'm just blushing, that's all! 'I have another song for you!'

I put on another song, this one not being metal. 'Unusual.' I heard it play. 'They say strange fascination, infatuation.' I sang along. 'A lunatic.' I looked at Jinx. 'Call me what suits your taste, I just wanna taste.' I said, dragging my finger on my lip. Jinx just watched. 'And I've always heard it's the inside that counts..' I looked into her eyes. She smiled. 'Cause my insides are red, and yours are too.' I sang, holding my belly. 'And the red on my face-'
I said, holding my cheek. '-Is matching you.' I walked closer to her and put my hand on her cheek. She bit her lip. 'And goodness your bleeding! What a wonderful feeling.' I said, slightly moving closer. 'Your down and your pleading, my head is just reeling..' She tilted her head slightly sideways. 'The red means I love you!..' I tilted my head the other way. 'Tasting your blood means I love you-'

'What did I say about that music!-' Silco yelled, before he saw me and jinx close together. I quickly moved away and turned down the music. 'What is going on here?!' He yelled, throwing his arms up. 'I- nothing! We are just uhm- dancing! Yeah, dancing..' I said, nervously. He looked at Jinx. 'Was that just dancing?' He asked her. She nodded. 'It's just dancing. Have you never seen dancing before?' She said, staring at him. 'Most people don't look like they are about to kiss!' He said back. 'So what if we did kiss? Its normal, isn't it?' She said, staring daggers at him.

'Of course it is, but-' he started. 'No buts. Go do work or something! Let us have fun!' Jinx interrupted him. He just sighed and walked off. Jinx looked at me. 'Were you about to kiss me? Or were you just teasing?' She asked me, walking closer. 'I was just being impulsive. I wouldn't kiss you, without consent and feelings ofcourse.' I said, laying my hand on the back of my neck. I felt myself getting red. 'Well what if I asked you to?' She said, getting closer. 'I-I guess, maybe.' I responded. 'You need to be sure, darling.' She said, and I blushed heavily. I hid my face. 'Don't hide your pretty face love.' She said, now standing right in front of me. I looked down at her.

She put her hand on mine. God, please move up.. I thought. I bit my lip. She slightly tilted her head, studying every detail on my face. 'I'm just teasing you, toots. No need to be flustered.' She then said, moving her hand away from mine. Fuck. I thought. I really wanted to feel her touch, it didn't matter where. I just needed her touch, badly. She moved away from me entirely. 'You should probably go, before Silco gets mad.' She said to me. 'He needs me to do something anyways. You can leave your music here if you want.' I just nodded, walked towards the door and waved at her. 'Bye.'

I walked towards my shop. I felt the touch of her hand burning on mine. I licked my lips. I still tasted Vi. Maybe I should go and see her? No, that's weird. You rejected her before, why bother now? ..But I need someone.. something.. I thought to myself. I will admit, jinx sorta turned me on, only slightly. I didn't think I was into girls that much, I mostly only hooked up with guys for cash. Don't judge, you gotta make money somehow. I didn't notice that Vi was already at my shop, and she saw me thinking. 'What's up? How did the lunch go?' She asked me, and I quickly went back to reality.

'It was okay. Didn't really do much, just listened to music for a while.' I responded. 'What did you eat?' She asked me. 'Just some (favourite food).' I responded. I opened my shop doors and let Vi in. She sat on my couch and manspreaded slightly. I just awkwardly stood by the door. 'Why are you here, may I ask?' I asked her. 'Just, wanted to stop by, I guess..' she responded. 'Why don't you also sit..' she added and pat the spot next to her. I sat down. 'Where's Caitlyn?' I asked her. She looked me in my eyes. 'I kinda left her at the brothel. She was enjoying herself.' She answered. 'Its just us.' She added. I layed my head on her shoulder. I moved my hand slightly towards hers.

I probably shouldn't, right? Its weird, to just.. do this with someone you haven't seen for years. But I need her.. I thought. I bit my lip and looked at her. I moved my hand fully towards hers, and held it. She looked into my eyes. 'While I was at.. someone's house, something happened..' I started. 'What happened?' She asked me. 'They uhm.. made me feel a certain way..' I responded. 'But they didn't help me with it..' She looked confused. I moved my hand to her thigh, slightly rubbing it. Then she understood. 'Oh!..' she said, now getting red. Then she said something.

'Let's find a private room, shall we?'

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