Chapter 6

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There was a knock at the door. I made myself look presentable and went to the door. 'It says closed.. fucking dumbass.' I said to myself. I opened the door and saw Jinx. I got surprised.
'Hey.. what are you doing here?' I said, nervously. 'I just wanted to talk.. what's that in your neck?' She asked and pointed at it. Fuck. 'Nothing, nothing.' I said.

'Did you.. hook up with someone?' She asked me, looking like something had clicked in her mind. I hurriedly shook my head. 'I- no! No.' I heard a window open in the other room, Not the one I fucked in. Maybe she left? 'Can I come in?' Jinx asked me. I nodded and let her in. She looked around. 'If your trying to find any sign of sex, i did not have it.' I said.

She looked at me. 'What's in that room?' She asked me, pointing at the room it happened in. 'That's the sensory issue room.. why?' I answered. 'Can I take a look?' She asked. 'No! I mean- no.' I responded, rather quickly. She raised her eyebrow. 'Well, Lets go to my house then. Its boring here!' She said and walked towards the door. 'How many days have you worn that?' She asked me, while walking outside. I followed her. 'Only today.. why?'

'I want you to sleep at my house. Silco is leaving, so I want some company.' She said. 'You can borrow my clothes if you want. Its fine.' We walked to her house. 'Sure.. sounds fun.' I said. 'We can even get drinks if you want! Get blacked out. You know?' She said and turned to me. 'I don't.. drink.' I responded, slightly confused. 'But you smoke right? You smell like it anyways.' She said. I tried to deny, but she knew. I did try to stop, but I still did it once or twice a week.

'It's fine, Silco has stuff anyways.' She said. We arrived and walked inside. She dragged me to her room again, not throwing me against the wall this time. We walked inside and I heard the song we were listening to earlier playing. 'I'm guessing you enjoyed the song.' I said. I thought about us dancing and blushed lightly.

I started to get hungry and looked at Jinx, doing whatever. I had just been laying down while listening to her music, thinking about nothing. She was having a good time, I could see that. 'I'm hungry, can we grab some food?' I asked and sat up. She turned her music down. 'When I'm done with this, okay toots?' She said and resumed her project. I sighed and layed back down.

After a while, she stopped her music and got up. 'Let's get some food! And get drunk.' She said, excitedly. I also got up and followed her. She held my hand and intertwined our fingers, making me blush lightly. She dragged me around again, but I didn't focus on where we went. I focused on her, her hair, her body, her smell. She smelled like gunpowder, paint and smoke. It was quite calming for some reason. I wanted to smell her all day, wanted to have her close to me..

'We are here!!' Jinx yelled into my ear. I shook my head and looked around. It was a brightly lit room, with colours everywhere. I could smell way too many drugs and could practically taste the alcohol in the air. 'You can get food here too! What do you want?' She asked me. I looked at her. 'Just some nachos, I guess.' I responded. 'Go find a table, I'll be right there!' She said and walked off, leaving me on my own.

I sat at a table somewhere against the wall. Jinx has been gone for a few minutes, probably chatting with someone. I didn't mind though, more time to think. Then someone walked up to me. 'Hey pretty girl, you alone?' A gross looking man asked you. 'No. My friend is here as well.' I said, hoping it would make him leave. 'Well, I don't see them..' he said and got closer to me. I moved back a bit. 'How about you show me a good time, eh? I'll pay you some good money..' he said, getting even closer. 'How much?' I asked him, slightly considering it.

'Hmm.. five coins?' He said, smirking. 'More, I'm not easy.' I said, also smirking. 'Eight?' He said, kinda annoyed. 'Ten. No less.' I said. 'I don't have that..' he said silently. 'Then no deal, creep.' I said and looked around for Jinx. 'Youre a whore anyways!' He yelled and walked off. I saw jinx walking over here and I waved. 'Who was that?' She asked me, pointing at the man. 'Dunno, some creep who wants to fuck.' I said, and she looked mad.


'Dunno, some creep who wants to fuck.' Y/n said. I felt myself getting mad. I placed her nachos on the table and excused myself, walking to the man. 'Hey. You seem lonely..' I started. He looked at me. Then my body. Fucking creep. I thought. 'Let's go outside if.. you need some company.' I said, in a seductive voice. He immediately agreed and stood up, following me outside. I pushed him against a wall.

'I'm dominant sweetie..' he said. I just looked at him. 'No, sweetie. You're.. dead.' I said and pointed my gun at him. He put up his hands immediately and I could see the fear in his eyes. 'Give me those coins you promised Y/n and I'll let you go.' I threatened. He reached in his pocket and gave me a bag of coins. I counted nine. 'Please let me go..' he begged me. I just made a 'hmm' sound and shot him in the head. I walked back inside with the coins.


I saw Jinx walk back inside, with a small bag in her hands. She gave the small bag to me. 'What is it?' I asked her. 'Just a gift, from that guy.' She said, and I noticed something. There was a few blood spatters on her. 'What did you do..' I asked her. 'Just, took care of him. Like I said I would.' She responded. 'Y-you killed him?' I asked. I know she said she would, but I didn't expect her to actually do it!

'Let's go drink!' She said and dragged me to the bar. I just went along, still in shock. She ordered a drink for me and I just drank it, not paying attention. I finished it in a few seconds. I cant believe she killed someone.. I thought. I took another drink and chugged it, I didn't even know if it was mine.

After a bunch more drinks, jinx had to carry me away. I'm pretty sure I blacked out, because when I woke up I was in Jinx her bed. I sat up and looked around. Jinx was laying in bed next to me. I groaned, feeling around my body. I was wearing other clothes then before. 'Did she change me..?' I asked myself. I stood up and grabbed my head. I had a headache.

I layed back down and looked at Jinx sleeping. She looked peaceful. I didn't want to wake her up, so I just let her sleep while I looked at her. She woke up after a short while and looked at me. 'Morning, darling' she said, and yawned. I blushed lightly. 'Morning..' I responded. 'What happened last night? I can't remember..' I asked her. 'Did you change me?..' I added.

'Yeah i did, you threw up all over your clothes.' She said, looking at me. 'I threw them in the wash.' I sighed. 'I saw all those hickeys, did you have a good time?' She asked me, smirking slightly. I nodded. 'I really did.. it was wonderful.' I said. 'Who was the lucky guy?' She asked me. 'It's uhm.. not a guy.. it's a girl-' I started.

'A girl?'

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