Finale- part one

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You want to know how Láďa got rid of Lord's corpse?

Of course not.

If I told you, you'd never sleep well at night again, so I'll spare you the brutality and move on to the moment when Láďa restarted his stolen car with a knife and tweezers and headed for the building where Arnošt's meeting with the investors was taking place.

Fortunately, he was much more confident on the streets of Prague than he was with the steering wheel in his hand, so he didn't have as much trouble finding the place as Robert did.

He did run the traffic lights on red a few times and nearly killed a flock of fat Prague pigeons who, out of laziness, didn't even bother to move their heads when they heard a sound behind them, but let's keep it positive- he didn't kill anyone and took the lesson of his tram experience and stayed away from the streets those evil offsprings of horse-drawn carriages were passing through.

Needless to say, Láďa had to make a great effort to achieve this result. We cannot wonder, then, that he completely overlooked the taxi which was following him rather ostentatiously.

Yes, Mr. Silent was indeed persistent. He waited patiently until Láďa had finished his business at Lord's and the flat, and reappeared in that infamous stolen Mercedes at the junction at which he had made the cabman stop.

Then it was easy. Láďa could barely pass his driving test, let alone win a street chase with an ambitious young man who had spent the last five years of his life behind the wheel and who was highly motivated by the promise of another five thousand dollar bill from Mr. Silent's pocket.

So, when Láďa pulled up in front of the so-called 'Building of Dead Artistic Hopes,' Mr. Silent waited on the sidelines until he disappeared behind the glass doors, placed two five-thousand-dollar bills in the taxi driver's greedy hand as a bonus for his efforts, and set off at a brisk pace after the brazen car-jacker.

Perhaps he could simply take his car back now, forget about it, and get on with his real mission-killing Robert Vašinka and the unfortunate man he should never have taken pity on...but Mr. Silent wanted revenge!

He had no idea at the time that this building offered him not only revenge, but also the fulfillment of his obligations, for his first target, Robert, was currently hiding in the lobby restroom, and his second target, the man who had nearly cost him his life, and who, as I'm sure you've all figured out by now, is Láďa, was none other than the man he was about to lecture on the disadvantages of stealing black Mercedes from assassins.

And so, not even knowing who he was actually following, Mr. Silent went after Láďa...

Meanwhile, Láďa calmly walked to the elevator in the lobby, pressed the button to summon it, and began to whistle a song while he waited.

To the bystanders, he was just another artist who had come here to apply for financial support. No one felt the drama that pulsed in the air and threatened to erupt in all its brutal glory at any moment. No one knew the chaos that was about to erupt…


The elevator lazily reached the ground floor, its silver doors opened with a grunt, and Láďa got in.


The door began to close, but then someone put a hand in front of it.

Láďa, who had his head lowered thoughtfully to the scalloped, shiny floor, just stepped back a little and let the man enter...

Mr. Silent, who had been completely exhausted by the run to the elevator, leaned breathlessly against the wall of the elevator and, with his head lowered to the floor, breathed heavily.


The doors began to close again and both men lifted their faces from the ground.

And that's when it happened.

The loose threads of fate came together in a devastatingly explosive moment and Láďa and Mr. Silent finally looked into each other's faces.

"You?!" Láďa hissed angrily, seeing in Mr. Silent the rival who had sent him to prison to get rid of him.

"You?" Mr. Silent hissed in surprise, whose confusion that day had struck a certain limit beyond which almost nothing could disconcert him. At least that's what he thought...


The door slowly closed, and both men suddenly stuck their hands under their jackets to get hold of their pistols...


Like two cowboys before a duel, they stared into each other's eyes, trying to guess how quick the other would react.


And then one of them, I don't know which one, you rarely know at that speed anymore, pulled his gun from under his jacket, which of course triggered the other to do the same.

Now it was just a matter of finger dexterity...

Chrrrrr... snap!

The door slammed shut and two muffled shots rang out from inside.

The people sitting in the hall turned around for a second at the sound, but then shrugged and went on about their business.

Meanwhile, the elevator climbed to the tenth floor, where it opened again with a loud thud.

But no one came out of its doors.

Instead, there was a hysterical scream from the secretary, who, in the glow of the white light that flickered in the elevator, saw a scene bloodier than she had yet imagined.

Several asymmetrical pools of blood glistened on the weathered metal surface of the elevator floor, gradually merging into one to form a great red sea.

And on either side of the elevator stood two twisted corpses with bullet holes in their faces.


The elevator doors closed again with dramatic hesitation, and, like a curtain falling after a particularly bad performance, left the onlookers who had crowded around the elevator after the secretary's scream in awkward silence.

And then the elevator began its return journey to the ground floor.

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