the battle

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(Jack POV)

things weren't going so well. my rifle went flying from the backyard within ten minutes, and the mini flamethrower combusted. so much for those. now only my special grenades, the Freedom Fighter, and the Louisville Slicer remained. Hoo boy.

Dirk is smashing Blarg's toes with his makeshift hammer while Quint shoots at the beast with catapults and crossbows. yeah, he doesn't even use his assault rifle that much. June scrambled onto the roof of my old foster fam's house and began shooting at Blarg with her sniper rifle. she hit two of his six monstrous eyes which just enraged him even more. he swiped at the house and June only had seconds to jump off of the roof and into the treehouse branches before the house was completely destroyed.

But I didn't see that. I didn't see June jump onto the treehouse. I only saw red.

"YOU BITCH!" I scream charging at Blarg, "I'LL KILL YOU!"

I fire all of the rounds in my revolver, most hitting his scales, but a couple of lucky shots hit him square in the eyes. He's completely blind, thrashing around trying to hit something. Blarg ducks down a little too low, at the right moment. I leap up onto his forehead. We buck around like a demented rodeo. my revolver falls onto the ground and most of the chemical grenades to. but a couple fall straight down the gutter.

He gags slowing down for just a couple seconds, but he wouldn't be alive that much longer. I take the golden opportunity and plunge the Louisville Slicer right between his scales.

"BLARG!" and with one last gut-wrenching cry the hideous monster known as Blarg dies. I look up to see Dirk cheering, Quint collapses in relief, and June smiling. that perfect beautiful smile. 

and this is where we are now. living normal post apocalyptic lives on the east coast town of Wakefield, California. Just rebuilding our defense. the backyard fence resembles something more of a castle's walls, and the backyard itself more like a dump. the tree house is expanded, and the house, just sort of sat there, a pile of rubble.

would suck if more monsters showed up.

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Where stories live. Discover now