the dorks

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(Dirk's POV)

when your a tough loner guy like me it's hard to well not feel anything. everyone expects you to be this big tough bully who never backs down from a fight. thanks to that I was suspended from school like, a million schools, and had at least a dozen expulsion threats. thanks to that I always thought I could never really talk to the ones I really do love.

but the apocalypse fixed that. now I can be whoever I want. the muscular lone wolf who never found love? that's boring. how about the comedic klutz Dan Dieberman? or even better the one and only Mr. Potts a world renowned gardener? even better.

it really is lonely though. I don't know where my boyfriend is, if my uncle made it to New York City, or if there's anyone else out there. like at all. the only person I know of is this raider person I saw once out at lumber party. whoever he or she is the way the shot down the zombies and scared at least a dozen of nearly scared me off too.

lately I've just been looking around the county looking for people just because I want to know I'm not the only person alive, and or too scary. no luck so far, and I don't even have any weapons besides a shovel.

well today I'm going to the hunting store! I really need a gun. like a shotgun or a rifle. even a pistol would do! but unfortunately for me there's no hunting store. the roof caved in and there's nothing useful under the rubble.

"Damn it!" I growl "the one place with guns and it's completely destroyed! figures."

I start my trek back up to the old warehouse on the industrial section of Wakefield, only to be nearly ran over by a car. I dive to the sidewalk as a flame-decaled truck zooms down the road. the person driving might be a maniac but they have good taste in decor.

wait. a person. a real live person! finally! hopefully they have some guns.

"Dirk?" an African American kid asks stepping out of the passenger side "I thought you were dead!"

"Q-q-" I stutter not believing my eyes, "Quint! oh man I thought you were dead!"

we run towards each other, hugging one another. I jump up spinning around, as Quint laughs his squeaky laugh. when I put Quint down, he turns to a guy who stepped out of the drivers seat. looks familiar.

"Jack!" Quint says "this is who I'm dating."

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Where stories live. Discover now