the dog

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(Jack POV)

there was an amazing night following our escape from the wretch. apparently, Dirk was an amazing chef, and made bootleg mini pizzas from stuff we found in the house. we also moved my old foster parents' double bed upstairs for the two of them to sleep on, and then had a mega gaming fest.

it seemed as if nothing could go wrong in the world, with me hanging out with the cutest couple in the world. except for two problems. one we were out of gas, and two I felt like a huge third wheel. I couldn't help but think that things might get a little awkward the longer I stayed around, and I didn't want to mess up a relationship like Dirk and Quint's.

I decided to go and get more gas as of how I mentioned earlier, I felt like a third wheel. luckily for the two lovebirds the nearest gas station in town was at least 3 miles away. unluckily for me, that meant more time of me in the open, more time for Blarg to find me.

it took me a good 30 minutes to jog down there and pick up the gas. by that time, I heard nearly two dozen roars a good third of which belonged to Blarg, each one seemingly getting closer, and closer. I better make this quick.

"AROO!" a humongous monster dog howled behind me making me jump nearly six feet out of my skin.

"Son of a- what are you doing here?" I asked shocked to see this dog I saw before in Washington here in Wakefield "did you follow me here?" 

the monster dog wagged his massive tail, crouching down in a stance that said play with me. he looked so cute despite his enormous figure it was a little hard to resist. but no. I couldn't. if there's one thing, I hated more than being a third wheel, it was being a deserter to my friends.

"Sorry boy." I say "gotta go. don't follow me this time. ok?"

he sat down in a please don't go way, which made me feel even worse. he tugged on my shirt and licked me getting slobber all over my hunting rifle (Dirk stole my shotgun) and the Louisville slicer. I picked up a coke can and threw it over a fence, prompting the huge dog to zoom after it.

I start running down the street not wanting to alarm Dirk and Quint with the monster dog. unfortunately for me I could use a monster dog, as I'm cornered by half a dozen zombies.

"Go ahead," I say pulling out my rifle "make my day- whoa!"

the slobber-covered gun slips out my hands and all of the zombies freeze just look at me funny.

"take two!" I shout pulling out the Louisville slicer and having it also slip out of my hands.

the zombies shuffle towards me quicker all like, let's just take this man out of his misery.

luckily for me I got a monster dog. the giant canine I saw earlier jumped over me landing on two zombies, then smacking the other ones with his heavy tail. when he turns around, he looks at me, cocks his head, then spits out a red can. I look back up at him. we both stare at each other until I break the silence.

"I think I'll call you rover."

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora