the store

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(Jack Pov)

I hate the apocalypse. it sucks. there's no one to talk to. no one to give you a hug, well at least without zombifying you. but there are some perks. no crappy foster family to hurt you. no crush to ignore you. and zombies make great punching bags.

bang! my pistol mows down the couple of zombies in my way, one with his head nearly exploding. unfortunately, he just had his eyes imploding into his head. dang. well almost there any way.

I turn the corner to see a horde of zombies, blocking the way to the hunting store. only one way to go. up.

as I climb up onto the rooftops, I give myself a little pep talk, "I am Jack Sullivan! Monster Slayer! Action packed superhero! the kid who has all the time in the world to play videogames! the sole survivor of this 46-day apocalypse! I think."

I make my way through the rooftops and find a terrifying sight. a huge monster. the blue spiked, green eyed, purple monster turns his gruesome head towards me revealing sharp teeth with bits of zombies in between. my dude need to floss.

his tail swept across the roof and nearly squashed me onto the ground below. instead, I run ahead of the tail, and hop over the side of the concrete. I hit the rooftop below me rolling to catch my momentum. these are the moments I live for.

unfortunately, the monster follows me and clomps his huge claw over my chest, pinning me to the ground. I think he broke a couple ribs. I twist my arm out of one of his clawed toes and reach for my out of reach pistol. the only weapon at my disposal is the Louisville slicer a splintered baseball bat, which my weird brain made out to be a sword. well I guess it's worth a shot.

I reach for the handle, while distracting the monster with my totally cool distraction stuff.

"so." I say making small talk, "what should I call you? six-eyes? the dinosaur barney?"

my hand grips the baseball bat and instinctively i fling it up towards his weak spot. the eyes!

"or how about the thing that went..."


my face pales as acid spit rained down around me "how about Blarg for short?"

Blarg rears up ready to crush me when I notice the huge gap in the roof of the store. I roll all the way to the hole, which is not a pleasant experience. especially not with a couple broken ribs. luckily, I land in some tarps and hunting sweatshirts which are surprisingly comfortable. I don't have time to enjoy them, as Blarg is already looking for me.

I run into an aisle full of fishing rods, weird health foods, and more importantly, guns. a huge shot gun catches my eye. I suppose I should stock up since I left my pistol up on the roof. with-


I turn around to find Blarg's feet smashing through the roof. he's looking for me. hunting me. I've met some smart monsters before, but this is like a whole different level. like, apex predator smart.

I fill a duffel bag with ammo, weapons, and much to my displeasure, the health snacks. take what you can, I guess.

I rush outside of the hunting store, just as Blarg makes the whole building cave in. I see my backpack wedged inside teeth, and for some reason that makes me mad. that's my backpack! I'm not letting him run away with my backpack in his stomach.

"Hey Blarg!" I shout at him "on this road of life I call-" I whip out the massive gun I found in the store, "SHOTGUN!" I pull the trigger to let out an explosion of absolutely nothing. no ammo.

anyone else getting the heebie jeebies?

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz