the photographer

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(June POV)

Complicated. The only way to describe a guy like Jack Sullivan. he's nice, sort of cute in that dorky way, and his heart is in the right place. but then again, he's over the top, doesn't know when to stop, and well you never thought would come to ask you to live with him. especially after a fight so big. I half thought he would hold a grudge.

"a treehouse full of guys?" I ask "I'm good. thanks for asking I guess."

"Well, it's just that you seemed a little lonely and I thought 'hey how about this raider person comes live with me and the guys?' that's a perfectly logical question." Jack asks as if this is a normal thing, "come on it's fun, we have videogames, a pet dog, and well I just don't like the thought of anyone being alone especially in the apocalypse. even someone who hurt me a lot"

"Look Jack," I say "I already feel really bad for what happened a couple years back, but please don't try to bribe me with that."

"I'm not!"

I give him an oh really look.

"Ok maybe a little, but June, I'm telling you, the apocalypse is a lot more fun with friends. I don't know if you feel bad about the whole fight thing, and I don't want to know. I just want to know what your choice is, if you want to stay here, or spend time with a trio of the coolest guys ever."

"Look Jack, that's a really nice sentiment, but I don't know if I'm ready yet. you're welcome to keep on visiting, but I just have too much stuff here and I have to wait here for my parents. they saw me, Jack! they know I'm here! and once I kill that big purple monster they can come here, as safely as they can, and life can be a little normal for once in this hell."

Jack, surprisingly, understands. he's a lot more mature since I last saw him, and cuter, I guess. he's more sensitive and doesn't hold a grudge against me. and the way he said that stuff I was half tempted to go with him. is this what having a crush feels like?

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Where stories live. Discover now