the ride

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(Jack POV)

"so what's new with you?" I ask as we walk into his garage "what's new in Wakefield- and Holy cow! this is such a sweet ride!"

I walk into the garage to a huge red flame-decaled truck, with a green candle skull on the hood. the sweet ride rivaled my old Mercedes I found somewhere in Canada. this truck was complete with a catapult/crossbow thing, and there was a back chest where i could stuff my duffel bag, and backpack.

"you like it?" Quint asks "I was a little crunched on time. this was the best I could do. I'm planning to add a sunroof."

"sweet!" I squeal, like an excited kindergartener "and once I get my Mercedes we can race!"

"you have a car?"

"it broke down in Oregon"

soon we were hitting the road driving down to the treehouse. we had a great dinner of Poptart smores and soon we were just talking.

"so what was your life like before the apocalypse?" I ask "any new stuff? how's the family?"

"well i was getting scholarships to places like Harvard and Yale since last year." Quint says as if it was no big deal "I was planning on graduating next year. oh and I may or may not have started dating someone."

"Really?" I ask shocked "who's the lucky gal?"

"well..." Quint says his face reddening "it's not exactly a-"


the monstrous roar put me and Quint both in a dazed state. we both just stopped talking, and decided to go to sleep.

"g'night buddy," I say.

"good night" Quint replies.

I knew Quint probably thought nothing of the monstrous roar, but it brought terrifying thoughts to my head. did Blarg know where I was? what's he going to do if he finds me? and the most terrifying thought ever breached my mind; what would he do to Quint?

the last kids on earth, but with a twist: season 1Where stories live. Discover now