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50 Years Later
They thought it would've been harder to steal time between the isle and autumn, but it was easy enough when they stuck together.

That was the key to it all.

How long had they braved the storm alone? The night without flame?

But they had each other now, and the world had them.

A lucky world indeed.

"Is it possible that you get bigger every time I see you?"

Nephele glares at her husband. "What a horrible thing to say," she shoves him as he kisses her cheek.

"Even to a pregnant woman?" He murmurs, biting her ear.

"Especially to a pregnant woman."

"I'm sorry," he whispers hotly, in that way that made her brain shut off. "I'm just so excited for her."

"I'm glad we can at least agree that she is definitely a girl," Nephele smirks as Eris wraps his arms around her swollen waist.

"Oh, I already know everything about her," Eris agrees. "She's going to have your eyes-"

"And she's going to have more freckles than she can count-"

"Her hair will be dark and curly-"

"But it will look a little bit copper in the sun," Nephele smirks, tussling her husband's auburn hair.

"And she's going to speak her mind a lot," Eris says, and Neph snorts.

"Even when we don't want her to," Nephele scrunches her nose. "And she might need glasses."

"But she'll have to take them off when she climbs trees," he kisses his wife's nose. "And her name..."

"Amber," Nephele says at the same time Eris says, "Amaya."

He rolls his eyes. "Agree to disagree," he smirks. "It's time for your dance lesson."

Nephele grins, giving him the soft eyes that seldom make him say no, especially now that she's pregnant. "Can we dance outside?"

"It's raining, Sweetheart," Eris counters, but both of them knew he'd never refuse.

"I know," Nephele grins. "How magical."

A Storm of Flames and Deceit Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant