Chapter 14

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4 Years Ago

I should feel sad. I should feel angry.

But, I'm confused.

What is happening to the five of us? Ever since we split into our own subjects last year, we've just began to drift. Not from each other, I'm still close to all of them but somehow; they aren't close to each other.

If I hang out with Jisoo or Rosé, Jennie or Lisa would get mad. And it's the other way around if I hang out with Jennie or Lisa. It's honestly pissing me off. And the funnier thing is, this isn't the first time I'm feeling this way. I clearly remember a time a few years ago, feeling the exact same thing. It's almost like déjà vu.

I've been feeling a little distant lately with my friends. Or maybe I'm just being a little paranoid.
It seems as though I'm always the one that creates an issue and we get into arguments because of me; even though I don't do anything wrong. I simply exist but things still manage to be my fault.

It's confusing, really. If it's not Jisoo and Rosé who are mad at me, then it's Jennie and Lisa. It's like we have parted into three separate groups. Jennie and Lisa are group one, Jisoo and Rosé are group two and then there is me; all alone in group three.

It's not that we don't all hang out together but whenever we do, something is always the issue regarding me. It seems as though entering grade 4 has made Jisoo much more closer to Rosé while Jennie has gotten a lot closer with Lisa.

And then there is all of them who are growing closer to me, but that's the issue. Whenever someone gets too close, one of them gets mad. I haven't spoken up about this though because I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.

" Did you do your homework Jisoo?" I ask, hoping she did. Me, Jisoo and Rosé walk along the school hallways when trying to find our classroom since our usual one is under renovation.

" I did. Don't tell me you didn't y/n." She gives me an almost warning look but I let out a small giggle at her attempting to scare me.

" I was tired so I slept early, can I please copy yours?" I ask, showing my famous eyes to her and she sighs agreeing. She stops in her steps and puts her bag on the floor, taking her homework paper out and giving it to me.

" Don't ask for it again y/n. You know you should be doing your homework on time." She says as she zips up her bag, slinging it over her shoulders once more. I nod in reply and mumble a small apology and thank you towards her.

I see Jennie and Lisa up ahead so I wave towards them, I keep waving until they notice me and once they do, they smile. But that smile is quickly replaced by a frown when they glance at Jisoo and Rosé.

Not again.

" Please don't be mad." I tell Jisoo and Rosé who are next to me. They furrow their eyes at my response before a look of annoyance is plastered across their faces.

" It's them, not us." And before I have time to respond, Jennie and Lisa are already in-front of us with their arms crossed.

" Can you all stop being mad?" I plead almost, I hated this short phase they were going through. At my pleading tone, Jennie sighs and nods her head. None of them say a word to each other before we go inside and take our usual seats in the classroom.

I just hope they stay normal, as they were before.

I don't want us to grow distant from each other. We made a pact when we were younger that we'd always stay by each other's side and remain friends. I don't want us to break that pact, I don't know how much I'd break apart if we were ever to split up.

✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )Where stories live. Discover now