22- A New Incentive

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The portal closes behind them. Now they're hiding in an alley a block away from the police station. Adrien puts his disguise back on—a hat and a pair of sunglasses—and leans against the wall. "Do you remember what we talked about, Felix?"

Felix nods. "Yes, I know how to answer their ridiculous questions. How does this sound?" He gets into character. "Officer, it is I, Adrien Agreste! I was kidnapped four months ago, but now I'm back—somehow."

Adrien glares at his cousin. "I sound nothing like that."

Pegabug giggles to herself. "I don't know, it was pretty close."

The model glares at his superhero babe. "You think I sound squeaky?"

Felix is already across the street, pretending a limp as he stumbles into the police station, crying and screaming for help. "H-Hello! Is someone here? I need help!"

Officer Roger looks over and drops his coffee as his eyes widen. "I-It's... it's Adrien Agreste!" He grabs a weighted blanket and runs over, draping it over the hurt boy's shoulders. "Don't worry, Adrien. We're here to help."

"Please..." Felix coughs. "M-My father..."

"Adrien, your wounds..." Officer Roger stares at the dried blood on his face, the bruise along his jawline, and his limped leg. "Son, we're going to have to take you to the hospital."

"I need to see my father!" Felix cries out.

Officer Roger leads him out of the police station. "We'll call Mr. Agreste on the way! We have to go now!"

Felix glances over to where he knows Marinette and Adrien were hiding and watches as Pegabug and Catastrophe leave and race across the rooftops.


Nathalie's phone rings. "Hello, this is Nathalie Sancoeur. Whom am I speaking with?"

"Hello, Miss Sancoeur?" A nurse speaks on the other end. "We have you listed as Adrien's Agreste emergency contact."

"Y-Yes, that's correct," She whispers, already assuming the worst. Had they found Adrien's... body? "I am."

"Adrien was found this morning," The nurse begins to explain, and Nathalie prepares for the worse. "He's currently resting at the hospital."

Her eyes widen. "Wait, Adrien's alive?"

"Yes, ma'am," The nurse answers. "This morning Adrien stumbled into the police station. He's bruised pretty badly, and his clothes are distressed. A doctor is checking him up as we speak. Miss Sancoeur, I understand you're Mr. Agreste's assistant. We tried calling him, but there was no answer on his end, so we had to call you. It'd be wise if you two could come in as soon as possible."

"Of course! Of course!" Nathalie cheers, laughing. She was happy Adrien was found alive and well. "We're on our way." She hangs up and storms downstairs to her boss' office, walking in without knocking. "Sir, we have to go to the hospital. They found Adrien."

Gabriel turns slowly, confused. How could Adrien have been 'found' if he were just with Marinette yesterday? Had he been mistaken? Is Catastrophe just some random kid and in fact not his son? "What do you mean, Nathalie?"

She wants to slap him. "Adrien was found this morning. He was able to escape his kidnappers, and he's at the hospital right now. Apparently, he's very bruised and the doctors are checking him over. We need to go."

"Alright. We will." Gabriel gestures for his son's bodyguard to follow and drive. Ten minutes later, they're walking in the hospital and find 'Adrien's' room blocked off. Fans and reporters wait by, trying to get in. Gabriel and Nathalie are escorted through by hospital staff and find 'Adrien' lying in bed.

Whoops-A-Daisy 🌼 (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن