5- Chloe's Protection

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Three Days Later

Adrien thought it was a bad idea. He knew it was a bad idea, but he wanted to see his friends. How bad could school be? After walking in class, surrounded by his curious classmates with pushy questions, he found his answer.

"Please, you have to let me interview you for the Ladyblog!" Alya shouts over the crowd. "This is huge news! I could make an entire section just for you!"

"That's sweet, Alya," Adrien says, hesitant. "But I don't really need the extra attention."

"Sure you do, Agreste." Kim steps behind him and pats a firm hand on his shoulder. "Just think- you're now the most popular kid in school. The possibilities are endless! No more homework, no more waiting in lines at lunch, and..." He leans down with a smirk and whispers, "Won't be so bad with the ladies."

Adrien's eyes widen with a blush. "N-No thanks, Kim. I don't want any special treatment."

"Then why did you reveal yourself if you didn't want special treatment, then?" Max asks. "You're eighty percent cooler now that people know you're Cat Noir."

"Because-" Adrien pauses and looks at Marinette, for once on time and listening quietly to the class' conversation. He doesn't say anything else. There's no need. He knows Marinette understands and that's all that matters. "Just because."

"Can you transform for us?" Alix asks with a wicked grin. "That'd be so cool!"

"What?" He's caught off guard by the question. "No! I can't just transform. Being a superhero isn't a joke."

Nino nudges his arm. "Oh, come on. Everyone knows. There's no harm."


Adrien's classmates press on, asking questions and pushing past boundaries, unaware of the uncomfortableness and claustrophobia kicking in.

Marinette watches him closely and sees the distress in his eyes. What kind of friend- and partner- would she be if she didn't step in and help? "Hey! Back off!" She yells, climbing over the desk and pushing herself through the crowd. "Adrien doesn't want to transform, so stop bugging him."

"Alright, alright," Kim mutters and the crowd starts to thin out. "Don't need to be such a buzzkill."

"That was so sweet of you, Marinette," Lila cheers from the back of the classroom. "The way you stood up and defended Adrien. You truly are the world's greatest friend."

"Shut up, Lila," Marinette and Adrien mutter in sync, annoyed with her already.

Lila sits down with a huff.

As she goes to sit down, Adrien grabs Marinette's hand. "Thanks, Mari."

She smiles. "What are friends for?"


"Hey, Adrien!" Kim shouts across the lunchroom. "Why don't you sit with us?" He gestures to Alix and Max sitting at the table.

"Uh..." Adrien looks across the room and finds Marinette sitting with Alya and Nino. "Thanks, but I'm gonna find Marinette."

Kim shrugs. "Suit yourself."

With a smiling beaming on his face, Adrien walks over and sits himself next to his good friend Marinette. "Is this seat taken?"

"No, since you've already taken it," She teases, laughing. "You're not having lunch at home today?"

Adrien shakes his head. "No, I'm afraid my father wouldn't let me back out if I did. It's a miracle he let me come to school today." As he bites into his sandwich, he feels pairs of eyes on him and glances up to Alya and Nino's silent stare. "What?"

Whoops-A-Daisy 🌼 (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now