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It was midnight and Tom was in his room the whole day. Jerry put the cheese cake on the side and turned all the lights off and jumped upstairs. He was exhausted and let out a little yawn before entering the bedroom. Tom was laughing and still watching his favourite comedy show. Jerry smiled and grabbed clothes to change in the bathroom. He walked back in the room in pyjamas and laid under the covers in bed next to Tom. The lights were off and only the light was coming from the Tv.

"Tom..." Jerry whispered "Jerry..." Tom whispered back.

"I really really like you...." Jerry blushed. Tom slightly blushed and gulped. "What do you like about me?" Tom whispered. Jerry smiled. "Everything! Your just perfect! Nothing is wrong with you." Jerry answered "thanks Jerry" Tom felt happy as he felt his face turn red.

"I...need a toilet" Tom lied and stepped out of bed. Just when the adverts started. Tom ran in the bathroom and locked himself in there 'JERRY LIKES ME! YAYYYY!' Tom thought to himself, he stared at his red face in the mirror and smiled.

He realised he's been in there for a while and he flushed the toilet even tho he didn't go. He walked back in the room and sat back in bed and saw Jerry fast asleep. He smiled and hugged Jerry soon falling asleep, with the Tv on.

The next morning, Tom was still exhausted and woke up. He sat up and yawned followed by a big stretch. He jumped out of bed  with a still fast asleep Jerry and made his tired self flop down the stairs. He put in some toast and got the jam out ready. He also made himself a cup of hot tea.

The toast popped out and he spread red jam on it. Afterwards he licked the knife and put it in the washing up bowl and put the jar away back in the cupboard. He put his two slices of toast with jam on, on a plate and grabbed his tea and sat at the table. He grabbed his phone out and looked on instagrams daily news.

"Shut the *duck* up" Tom yelled at his phone seeing news about 'covid'. Tom thought it was ridiculous.

He heard creaking of the stairs and his head shot up seeing a tired Jerry rubbing his eyes and sitting at the table opposite him. Yawning a million times. "Jerry, if your still tired go back to sleep" Tom said and Jerry shook his head "I wanted to see you, Tom" Jerry answered and Tom tried not to blush and gulped it down. "Thanks."

After Tom ate his meal while talking to Jerry, he quickly washed up while Jerry watched Tv.

"Tom. Wanna go anywhere?" Jerry said still focused on the Tv. "Where?" Tom said "up to you.." Tom added on.

"Hm" Jerry thought for a long while.

"Let's go......let's go to the park for a walk and maybe grab some food on our walk?" Jerry suggested and Tom nodded "of course" tom said. Jerry switched off the Tv and Tom dried his hands. "Let's go" tom said and picked up his car keys. They drove there.

The cat and a mouse [tom x jerry] Where stories live. Discover now