Stepping Up, Chapter 32

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Papers rustled in Carina's hands as Tibs tried to see any differences in the room. Five Whippers and a dozen rats, same as the last time.

Carina shook her head. "This says there are eight golems, or maybe that's seven?" she sighed. "We need to use ink. The charcoal's always getting smudged." She peered at the page. "Maybe it is a five. It sort of looks like this in Kartian, and Olive is from there."

"Maybe you should stop referring to them until you transcribe them with ink?" Mez said.

She shook the stack in the archer's face. "Do you have any idea how expensive ink is? Let alone paper? This was supposed to make it easier!" she cried out in frustration.

"Pounding on those Whippers will make you feel better," Jackal said, grinning.

She glared at him, carefully folding the pages. "Pounding things is a you thing." She placed them in a pocket in her robe and straightened it. When she raised a hand, grinning as a small whirlwind formed around it. "I much prefer blasting them apart."

Tibs watched the essence move then tried to replicate it; but his reserve was empty before it did more than whip the air a time or two. Another essence to train in pulling in while using it. He so wished that what he learned using water essence worked for every other one.

"Then," Jackal said, giving her a bow, "my lady is welcome to the first strike." He motioned to the room with a grand sweep of the arm as he straightened.

Carina stepped into it, causing the Whippers to activate.

It didn't have the same effect as in the first-floor boss-room, since this was already lit, as they turned to face the entrance. She rolled her hand, pulling essence from around her into the whirlwind; ripping apart Tibs's attempt at making his grow in the process. She pushed her hand at the center Whipper and the funnel hit it, lifting it off the ground and sending it flying against the far wall, shattering into pieces.

"Wow," Tibs said, at the same time as Sto.

"Someone's been Training," Jackal said with a grin. "I doubt the dungeon's seen anything like that before."

"I certainly haven't," Sto confirmed.

"My teacher's finally started teaching me the theories behind what each shape I put the essence in does. So yes, I have been practicing."

"May I point out that they are not attacking," Khumdar said, "although Carina is in the room."

"I need a moment to take it in," Sto said.

"He's impressed," Tibs translated.

"And I'm realizing I'm going to have to make this floor more difficult. Your team's gotten much stronger since the last time."

"Good to know," Jackal said, running into the room. He turned to stone as he arrived before a Whipper, and the last step resounded. Then his fist connected with the golem, staggering it back.

"Sto, stop gawking!" Ganny yelled. "Get things going or they're just going to walk through them."


The rats moved, as Tibs stepped into the room with Mez and Khumdar, running up Jackal's legs.

The fighter tried to dislodge them by shaking a leg. "Mez, get them off me!"

"I'm going to hit you," the archer replied, pulling on his bow's string. Tibs traced the 'x' for his attack, putting only a little essence in it.

"Just don't make them explode and I'll be fine." Jackal walked toward the stunned golem, as Tibs targeted another, chipping some stone away.

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