"I love you too" He said.

FRIDAY!!!! Ally P.O.V.

It was finally Friday! I was so excited, like, really. Our date wasn't until 6, so I just put on my sunflower crop top, yellow skinny jeans, and my brown combat boots. I decided to keep my hair in a messy bun, but it was all messed up due to bed head. I re-did my bun and I lightly put on some brown eye shadow with my pink lip gloss. I smiled at myself in the mirror and walked downstairs to get some toast. I saw a note on the table that read:


Hey sweetie! I had to go to the shop early to take care of some bills. You can just make yourself some toast for breakfast. Love you!

Wow, I was way ahead of him. I had already put my toast in the toaster. When the toaster beeped, I took out the butter and spread it on my toast. I was so glad it was summer, because that means NO SCHOOL! I ate it on my way to the store. When I got there, there were obviously no coustomers because it was only 8 am. I walked into my dad's office to see him at the computer. He looked stressed.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Honey, I know how much this place means to you but... we're going to have to sell it. We're transferring Sonic Boom to a cheaper place in California, which means we're moving to California. I just can't pay these bills anymore. I'm basically broke." Right when my dad said that my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've been in this place ever since I was little. And what about Austin, Dez, and Trish? They're my best friends, and Austin's career is just taking off with Starr Records. I can't move. I can't. A tear drop dripped down my face.

"Dad!! W-we can't!" I said. "No!!!"

"Ally, I'm really sorry. We're moving in about a month." I stormed out of there. I ran up the steps to the practice room and sobbed. I locked the door behind me. I couldn't just leave my life here and go somewhere else. No. I wasn't moving. Wait... I have an idea! We'll do a fundraiser to save Sonic Boom! We could do a bake sale, and sell some old things we don't use anymore! I wiped away my tears and ran back down the steps. "DAD!!" I yelled.

"Allyson, I said-" He tried saying, but I cut him off.

"Dad, we're not selling Sonic Boom, nor are we moving. Me, Trish, Austin and Dez are going to raise the money to keep this place in buisness. Trust me dad, this WILL work." I said with confidence.

"Wow Ally. Okay, well if you can earn us enough money then I guess we're not going anywhere!" He said. I smiled as I hugged him. I walked back out to see that no one was really in the store but one or two coustomers, so I took out my book and began writing.

Dear Diary,

Hey again. Today is the big date with Dallas!! I'm SO excited! But this morning, I found out terrible news. Well, we're having a hard time paying off this place (Sonic Boom) so my dad said we might have to move to a cheaper location in California. But move all the way from Miami to California? Heck no!!! Me and my friends are going to get the money to pay for it. I'm not leaving Sonic Boom, and my friends mean the world to me. Like, who would write Austin's songs? Who would Trish have to talk to about boys? Miami is my home, and there's no place better than home.

Talk to you later!

Ally Dawson

When I was done writing, I looked up to notice Trish and Dez walk in, holding hands. "Aww, love birds!" I said. They both just smiled at me. But wait, where was Austin? I don't know, maybe he's just getting ready. I didn't want to tell them until Austin showed up, so I waited for him for about 10 minutes. The store was already getting packed, and Austin still wasn't here. I had to help like 30 customers, so after that I decided to call Austin. Austin answered, but after that I just heard a loud thump.
"Austin, are you okay?" I asked. I hope nothing to bad happened.

"Oww! Oh-uh-yeah, I slept in and I just fell off my bed..." He answered.

Austin P.O.V.

I was sleeping. Yep, I was still asleep at 10 in the morning. I was having this really nice dream about Ally, and I guess I just didn't want to wake up from it. All of a sudden I heard my phone go off.

"They don't know, know, know, your name, name name!"

I flinched, because it kinda scared me. I rubbed my eyes and flipped over, reaching for my phone on my night stand. I guess I hit the talk button, but i accidentally pushed it off. And with my phone, I fell off my bed.

"Austin, are you okay?!" I heard Ally ask over the phone.

"OWW!" I said. I fell on my head, and the way down wasn't fun at all. I also hurt my back. "Oh, uh, yeah, I just fell off my bed. No worries." I said, trying to act cool. But it wasn't really working. I rubbed my head and grabbed my phone off the floor. I managed to stand up.

"Sorry, I'll be over in like, 20." I missed Ally. I felt bad for not showing up at the usual time.

"It's okay Austin. I'll see ya soon!" She said, and she hung up. I loved hearing the sound of her precious voice. I put my phone back on my dresser. I walked into my bathroom, turned on the hot water, and got in the shower. That did the trick. I washed up and decided I'd wear my black jeans, my white v-neck with my red leather jacket, and my blue high tops. I didn't take my skateboard to Sonic Boom though. I wanted some fresh air, so I decided to walk. I liked how my hair blew in the wind, it felt refreshing. But as I walked past the cell phone accessory cart, I saw Dallas. And Dallas, WAS KISSING ANOTHER GIRL! WHAT?!?! I was pist, no guy like that deserves Ally. I ran over to Sonic Boom and yelled "ALLY!"

"What?" Ally asked, walking over to me.

"Dallas, he-he was kissing another girl!!" I took Ally's arm and dragged her to the mall where you could see him. But by the time we got there, the mystery girl was gone. Dallas saw Ally, and all he did was wink at her. Ally smiled, and then looked up at me. "Austin, really?! You don't want me to go on that date THAT bad? Why are you making this all up?!" She asked. She ran back over to Sonic Boom. Great. Now she thinks I'm a jealous jerk who's trying to ruin her love life. And she's probably telling Dez and Trish about it right now. I walked over to Dallas and said "What the hell was that?!"

He laughed at me. "Yepp, I'm cheating on Ally with Jennifer, and she's never gunna know it." I stared at him intensely. I ran back after Ally into the store. "Ally, I'm not lying!!"

Dez and Trish just looked at me. "Oh My Freaking God" I said. I ran up to the practice room and saw it was shut. I banged on it. "Ally, I'm not lying!! Dallas even told me that he's cheating on you with some Jennifer girl!!" I felt so bad for Ally. Finally Ally opened the door, but she didn't look too happy.

"Austin, that's really low." She said. She walked right past me and down the steps.

"Okay, well, I'm gunna go get ready for my date with Dallas, bye guys!" And Ally left.

I stood there next to Dez and Trish. "Guys, I know I like Ally but I'd never-" I stopped myself.

"Ooooh, you like Ally?!" Trish said with a grin on her face.

"I knew it!" Dez said.

I can't believe I even said that. My face turned bright red like a tomato. Oh my, if I said that in front of Ally my whole life would have been ruined. Because I know she doesn't feel the same way about me. Everything would be awkward, and we wouldn't even be friends or music partners. My career would end without her, and I just care about her so much. I ran home, wishing I had took my skateboard here.

Dez P.O.V.

"I knew it" I said to Trish. "I knew it I knew it I knew it! Too bad Ally doesn't like Austin."

"How do you know?" Trish asked.

"Well, if Ally liked Austin she wouldn't be going on that date with Dallas." Trish nodded her head in agreement. I did have a good point.

"So do you think Austin was telling the truth?"

"Yepp, I trust my buddy." I said.

"Then shouldn't we go stop her?"

"No matter what, I have a feeling Ally's gunna go anyway." I said. I shurgged it off. I gave Trish a hug before I started heading home.

Austin and Ally: "Romances and Rummaging"Where stories live. Discover now