Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I cannot believe I'm doing this," I muttered as I finished applying my makeup in the mirror. "I must be insane." I gave my hair one more fluff, like that was going to do anything to calm the nerves racing around my body.

"Insanity would be passing up what is being freely offered," Florence said from our room.

"I don't know about that," I said as I walked back out of the bathroom.

Florence's jaw dropped. "Fuuuck," she breathed.

I did a dorky little turn. "All right?" I asked.

She nodded eagerly, then shrugged coyly. "If you like that sort of thing." Then she smirked at me knowingly. "He's gonna love it."

"I don't even know why I let you talk me into buying it."

She indicated me. "For this exact reason."

"This reason wasn't a reason when I bought it," I reminded her.

"But it is now," she reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, at least it's getting some use."

She laughed. "Go and seduce your man."

"He's not my man," I told her. "I hate him."

"But you love his cock."

I couldn't disagree with her. "Love his cock."

I pulled on my overcoat and tied it up tight.

"I won't wait up," she said with a wink.

"Shut up," I said before sliding out our door.

As I made my way from the girls' dorm to the boys', I felt like a terrible parody of a secret agent. I saw a few people out and about, but if any of them thought it odd that I was heading to the boys' dorm at almost ten on a Friday night, then they said nothing.

"He's probably not even there," I said to myself as I hurried up the cheeky service stairs.

There was no one about on their floor, but I couldn't guarantee it would stay that way. I beelined for his door and tried the handle. It was unlocked. I pushed open his door and my heart beat slightly more steadily that my stealth run wasn't in vain.

He was lying on his big, soft bed in nothing but long pyjama pants. He had a book, of all things, and seemed lost in his own little world. As I closed the door behind me, he finally seemed to hear me. He pushed himself up onto his left elbow and looked me over.

It felt like the first time I had to really take my time as I looked him over. It wasn't like I hadn't had plenty of opportunities to see him just as naked before. I'd seen his scars, his muscles, and his tattoos. I'd seen them often enough that a cursory glance - all that was appropriate, of course - had, over time, let me commit his torso to memory. At least, I'd thought I had.

In reality, with real time to actually drink him all in, it was so much better than my fantasies. The way his pec shifted as he sat up straighter and put the book on the nightstand beside him, never taking his eyes off me. The way his stomach muscles tensed as though with very little effort as he moved. The way his chest rose and fell with each slow and steady breath, bringing my attention naturally to the cross he always wore.

I felt myself lick my lip as I realised that all this - provided my seduction went well - was all mine for the night. He had been all mine before. But this was different. Tonight wasn't just some quick, unplanned hook up where anyone might catch us. We had all the time in the world.

Valen's eyes wouldn't leave mine. The space between us was charged with something. I could have walked in there in a cardboard box, and I think the sexual tension would have been enough to melt me. As it was, I had no doubt that Valen was wondering what was going on under my coat.

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