Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block

Start from the beginning

"Leaving the block would also be dangerous on its own," Krinos tells them. "You have already started to show your powers even with the block on. If this continues, then there is a risk that you might let loose a giant wave of your powers if you get emotional enough. Emotions are tied directly to mystic soul powers."

"And with powers that seem to be weather-related, it is not a good idea to keep them bottled up," T'challa added. "Because an explosion of those types of powers would be very bad for everyone."

Harry really had a lot to think about. This was a lot for him to take in. He had thought that all of the mystic souls that he met were all really cool. And their powers were amazing in so many ways to him, especially with all of the different kinds of powers that were around. But, it was a whole other thing to also potentially have powers as strong as theirs. He definitely had a lot to think about.

But that was when he remembered the magic mirror that Sirius had given him before he had gone back to Hogwarts. They had been using them to keep in contact. Sirius had said that the mirrors had been an invention of himself and Harry's father so that when Sirius had to return to his horrible family, James would still have been able to check in on him. it was a lot like the mirror phones and the mirror pads that were used by the mystic souls. Magical phones. Which was another thing that Harry loved about them since Hogwarts had no way for any of them to communicate outside of school other than letters. And as much as he loved Hedwig, there definitely were faster ways to communicate with others.

"I... I need a moment," Harry tells them all before he then walks off.

He always kept the mirror with him in case he needed Sirius's help with something. So, he pulled it out of his school bag and said "Padfoot" into it in order to call Sirius. It took a minute, but Sirius's face soon appeared in the mirror.

"Hey, Prongslet," he greeted him.

"Sirius, am I a mystic soul," Harry got right to the point.

There was the sound of something breaking on Sirius's end, making it clear that he had dropped something that he had probably been holding with his other hand. Probably a cup or a plate.

"Well... I... Prongslet," Sirius was lost for words.

"Sirius, please," Harry really wanted to know.

Sirius sighed. "I had hoped that there would have been more time before you found out, but it is still a good thing that you found out."

"Why didn't you tell me," Harry asked his godfather. "You know that I hate being kept in the dark."

"Because we didn't know what to do," Sirius knew he needed to be honest with Harry. "Remus, Olivia, and I knew that your powers had to be blocked, so we were trying to find a way to get rid of the block with no risk to your magical core."

"But did the secret really have to be kept from me," Harry really hated being kept in the dark.

"If you were aware that you had blocked powers, we knew that you would try and do something about it yourself," Sirius says. "And that was too dangerous since it would be better for an adult to be one your side when removing the block."

Harry had to admit, Sirius did have a point with that. If he had known about the block, he would have tried to take care of it himself. He would not have even asked his friends for help since he would not have wanted to involve them. He was not the most patient person in the world and he hated having to wait. When Hermione said that the polyjuice potion would take a month to make back in their second year, that waiting had really driven him crazy.

"I understand, Sirius, but that does not mean that I like it," Harry says to him.

"I know you don't, Prongslet, but it was still the safer option," Sirius tells him. "We have been researching ways to try and get the block safely off of you without causing either damage to your core or causing a burst of magic from you."

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