ASSNET GOES TO PARFEDIA🤯🤩😬🤩✨🤷‍♀️🥰😬🤩🤩😬😇😵😔😵✨😬😃❓

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So since Admelso wanted to learn like, witchcraft or whatever the fuck⁉️⁉️😍He decided to go to uh parfedia I think that's how you spell it⁉️😍😍😃👹💆‍♂️So Assgay grew random ass wings, WHAT⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️AND FLEW TO PARFEDIA⁉️⁉️⁉️And she died...

JK HE LIVED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
So anyways they saw um Queen Latte, Depresso, Old man Almond bitch, Reesespuffs (Creampuff, Astarf herself thought of the name💆‍♂️💆‍♂️), Eclair dude, Eggnog's father (tea knight ofc, ya dumb fuck 🤨🙄🙄), and...and himbo knight dude but idk if Madeleine is actually a parfedia character but PRETEND HE IS FOR THE STORY‼️‼️‼️🤷‍♂️So uh, Girlboss Latte taught Aslayer some fucking witchcraft shit stuff yay‼️‼️🥳🤩🤩 So uh yeah😵🥺✨🥰🤪🤨🦶


ASSTRIMO SKATES GOES TO COOKIE RUN KINGDOM 😵😬🤯😚🥺🤯Where stories live. Discover now