Ass trim meets Espresso (kinda) 🦶👹😥😬😥‼️😃🤪‼️🥰‼️🥳🥺😬

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So now Astrick is in the kingdom and they met gongerballs but she slapped him and he died 🤯😍🤨 So Asel went to a random store and found Espresso BUYING 917383692639636926290203794649369370283747 CUPS OF COFFEE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 "Why are you buying so many cups of coffee" asked Asteler and then Espresso ran away idk 🤷‍♂️

ASSTRIMO SKATES GOES TO COOKIE RUN KINGDOM 😵😬🤯😚🥺🤯Where stories live. Discover now