Chapter 9

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No One POV

After Ryder found out what Skye and Rubble did they were both punished servilely. Rubble was banned from eating pup treats and Watching Apollo the Super-pup for a whole two months. Skye was banned from flying in her free time and banned from eating pup treats for 2 months. Skye and Rubble were banned from seeing each other for a month except for missions. They both were not happy that they got punished but couldn't do anything as Ryder was the leader and they did not want a bigger punishment. Ryder then dismissed them both and told them to leave the room which now only had him, Chase, Rocky & Zuma in it. Rocky was busy trying to keep Zuma calm and happy and Chase was there to help protect Rocky and Zuma from the two small pups which started this issue. Ryder then walked into the kitchen, grabbed a small bag of treats, and walked back into the room the three pups were in. Chase watched Rocky comfort, Zuma, as he was waiting for Ryder to make the next decision on what should be done now the two pups had been punished for what they did.

Ryders' Pov

Ryder kneeled to Rocky and Zuma and patted Zuma's head and offered Zuma a pup treat. "No thank you, Ryder.." Zuma said in a sad voice. "All right Zuma, Are you two going to be okay?" I asked Rocky & Zuma. "We should be fine," Rocky spoke up while comforting Zuma. Zuma had stopped crying a while ago but still was sad from the encounter. "All right, good to hear Rocky, and thank you for reporting this to me. The Paw Patrol doesn't accept bullying." I said. "Thank Chase, He was the reason we told you" Rocky Said. "I was just doing my job, You don't need to thank me," Chase said. "Such good pups" I responded. Ryder was still progressing on how the two other pups could be so rude and how they found out what it meant. Ryder was going to have further talks with Skye and Rubble but was focused on the others. "Do you need anything else?" I asked. "No Ryder" Rocky said as Zuma shook his head in response. "No Ryder, Sir," Chase said. Both Chase and Ryder were glad that the situation had been sorted out for now but wondered if it would happen in the future and what Ryder would need to do.

Rockys' Pov

"I and Zuma are going to go to my pup house," I said. "All right, Just call me if anything happens," Ryder said. I then gently bring Zuma to my pup house and placed him down on my bed to keep him comfortable and warm as I laid down next to him. "T-thanks Rocky, for being there for me," Zuma said shyly. "You're welcome, Zuma. I'm here for you always and won't leave you ever. I promise" I said as I wrapped my paws around Zuma. "I promise I'll never leave you too," Zuma said and smiled as he wrapped his paws around me. I and Zuma was cuddling which kept us both warm from the cold. I slowly grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around both me and Zuma to keep us warm. Zuma placed his muzzle against my fur while hugging me tightly. It was still daytime but I knew Zuma wanted alone time so I took him to my pup house as it would only be me and him in it. Zuma started to fall asleep while snuggling up to me. I just laid there and watched him sleep, keeping him under my protection.

2 hours Later

I woke up after falling asleep while watching Zuma. It looks like nothing happened as Zuma was still sleeping, It looks like he is having an amazing dream which makes me happy as he is happy. After 30 minutes I noticed that Zuma was starting to wake up. "Good afternoon Zuma," I said. "Good afternoon Rocks- I mean Rocky," Zuma said and blushed. "How was your sleep?" I asked. "Amazing, Especially how I was soo comfy!" Zuma said. "Well, that's good." Rocky smiled and nuzzled Zuma. "Embarrassing" Zuma said as he blushes, Then nuzzled back. Rocky then kissed Zumas' cheek and stood up. Zuma followed by stepping up. Both of the pups were in a good mood and forgot about everything that happened earlier that day. I did some stretches and then walked out of my pup house with Zuma behind me. He follows me anywhere but I do not mind as he can stop following me whenever he wants. I looked at the sun and noticed that it had started to go down, meaning that it is going to be night soon meaning that we only got a couple of hours until bedtime.


Word count: 800

I'm sowwy for not writing, I didn't forget about the account or the stories. Just didn't feel like writing. Well, I'm back now... But I don't know for how long

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