Chapter 6

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Ryder POV

"Skye you're grounded  for 2 weeks!" Ryder shouts angry. "This is not how you treat family!" I shout. Skye stormed off to her pup house, while Rocky and Zuma heard everything. Rocky had mixed emotions and Zuma just sat there. Ryder walks up to Rocky and Zuma. "You two are fine, Skye should not bother you. If she does you can tell me." I tell them. "If she does, we will." Rocky replies.


After Skye was grounded.  All the pups played  with each other as Recently there was no emergencies which are normal as they are in Adventure Bay. A peaceful place. After hours of the pups doing fun activities It started to become night. "Pups, Dinner!" Ryder calls them. All the pups ran into the lookout tower and ate there pup  food

Rocky POV.

The rest of the pups left except Rocky and Zuma. Ryder then gave them both a pup treat. "Why  did you give us these?" I asked. "Every time a pup of the paw patrol confesses  their feelings. They deserve a treat for being brave enough." Ryder says while smiling. "Thanks Ryder" Zuma responds. "Yeah Thank you Ryder" I reply after. Me and Zuma eat the pup treat and leaves the lookout tower. "Can I sleep with you Rocky?" Zuma asked.  "Sure Zuma" I reply. We both then head to my pup house and laid down. "Night Zuma" I say kissing Zuma cheek. "Night Rocky." Zuma responded while blushing. We both then headed to bed.

NO One POV (Rocky's nightmare)

Rocky woke up, he was surrounded by blackness. Rocky started walking... The  Blackness was never ending. Then he Zuma sitting with an unknown pup. Both Zuma and the unknown pup kissed. Rocky ran and ran but he was only going further and further into the darkness until Rocky closed his eyes and was somewhere else. 

A forest in the middle of no where, Zuma in front of him "You cheated on me" Rocky said. "No Rocky we never liked each other. We are just best friends, silly pup" Zuma says. Rocky shacked his head. He than realised this all as just a nightmare. "This is all Fake!" Rocky says. "You're smart Rocky" Zuma says with a smirk, Then Zuma disappears.  Rocky blinked again, now he is at a church. He notices  Zuma up on the stage with the same unknown pup. Then Rocky realises it was Skye. "You now can kiss the bride" A unknown voice and they both did. Although Rocky knows it is a dream, it still was hurting him. Then everything goes black again... He could see nothing. Darkness all around him. Then he was in Adventure Bay and everything was shacking like an earthquake was happening.

Zuma POV (During Rocky's nightmare)

I was asleep until I woke up feeling some nudge me. I looked over at Rocky who was moving around a lot and it looked like he was having a nightmare. It looked like he was about to cry so I started to nudge him gently as I was trying to wake him up. The time was 2 AM still very dark outside and you could hear owls, foxes and other animals. I continued to nudge Rocky until he woke up. Rocky was crying so much so I hugged him. "Calm down Rocky, you're safe" I say. Rocky kept crying while I slowly calmed him down. After a couple of minutes he stopped crying and was hugging me tightly. "You're okay Rocks. It was only a nightmare." I try to comfort him. "Thanks Zuma... For waking me up and comforting me" Rocky says. "You're welcome Rocksy. I will always be here for you" 


Well this story has not really been doing well but I won't be giving up on it! I  hope everyone who are reading and supporting this story are doing well. I have  a 2 week holiday so I'm going to try to update this story more often. Well I will be writing the next update and my other book *which no one knows about* Anyway Bye Fwiends. All you readers are my fwiends.


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