Chapter 5

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Rocky's POV

I am shocked Zuma loves me.. I was blushing so much after the scene at my pup house we walked into the Lookout tower. We both only want to let Ryder know about our relationship  as he is the most caring and respective person in the paw patrol, of course Chase is too but for now. "Hey Ryder, me and Zuma has to tell you something" I say. "Alright Rocky what is it?" Ryder asks. "Actually Rocky, It would be better if we showed him" Zuma suggested. "Great Idea Zuma" I reply. I then give Zuma a quick kiss in front of Ryder "So you two are dating?" Ryder asks. "Yes" me and Zuma say at the same  time. "Aww Adorable" Ryder replies.

Skye POV

I was eavesdropping Rocky, Ryder and Zuma convocation, Yes it is rude too but I'm feeling bored.. Wait Rocky and Zuma are dating?! Eww gross, all the pups need to know this. I run to every pup telling them about Rocky and Zuma's relationship. I then go to Chase to tell him. "Chase! Chase, You need to know something!" Skye says. "What is it Skye?" The German Shepard asked. "Zuma and Rocky is dating it's disgusting" I tell the Shepard. "How do you know they are?" He questions. "I was secretly listening to there convocation with Ryder."  I reply

Chase POV

Skye was eavesdropping? "Skye you can't just tell everyone,  someone's secret. Especially if they are family." I say. "You don't understand Chase, they are gay!" I respond. "You're homophobic Skye! Being gay doesn't matter at least they love each other!" I shout. Ryder comes over to see why I shouted. "Alright pups what is going on and why  are you shouting Chase?" He asks. Skye knew she was in trouble and tried to sneak away.. "Well Ryder, Skye here is homophobic and telling everyone that Rocky and Zuma are dating." I say.  "Is that true Skye?" Ryder asks. "Of course not Ryder!" Skye lied. Then Marshall walks up, "She did" He says. "Marshall you snitch!" Skye responds. "Skye you're....."


Yes I know another short chapter..

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