Chapter Nine: Mary

Start from the beginning

"I think she will want to stay for my daughters wedding, but yes the day after I'm sure she would be wanting to leave..."

"Your Alberta is getting Married" Mary asks.

"She is... it all happened pretty fast... she had not even dated until Ben... and now they are engaged and due to marry by the end of the month. I'm not sure that's sunk in yet to be honest, that my eldest is going to be wed. I hate the thought of her leaving me"

"Our Ben" Mary asks.

Helena smiles "yes, after all these years our family is about to be joined... can you believe it" Helena remarks. "And Alberta and Willa are best friends, the very best of friends. This is going to break Alberta's heart Mary, when Willa disappears from her life. Willa has sworn me to secrecy, and Brian and Kate too. My hands are tied. I will just have to be there to hold her when she realises. Oh Mary, I wish I didn't have to help take her away from her... but I know Willa must go, to save her young life if anything. So many young people are shamed into ending their life. I won't have that be Willa's fate"

"Don't feel guilty. We both know this is out of your hands. The reality of this community is that they don't accept it, and I can't see that they ever will"

"I know" Helena returns "something I hope to change from the inside" she adds.

"I love your optimism Helena" Mary offers with a sigh.

"Send the ticket Mary. I will have her ready and on the bus at the end of the month...And Mary... just love her, love her so much that she never doubts she isn't worthy of it. Willa is so special, and she has no idea"

"You know I will. We will. Erica and I. You don't need to worry about that" Mary returns.

"Mary..." Helena says quietly, feeling a pang of loss to know that she will shortly put down the phone and leave Mary's soft and sweet voice behind, perhaps forever this time.

"Helena" she returns, and the way her name sounds coming from her lips, it makes Helena's skin prick with goosebumps.

"I love you always" Helena reminds her quietly.

"I know" Mary adds softly "always" she confirms.

They both sigh, as the phone is slowly placed back down on its cradle, and the connection is once again, lost.

"Mama who was that" I ask opening the door to find her, with tears in her eyes, her hand poised on the phone.

"An old friend" she said honestly, wiping her eyes quickly.

"Now what is wrong with my darling girl" My mama asks, opening her arms and encouraging me to come to her.

I fall into her arms and sit on her lap. "Oh mama, I don't know" I return.

"Are you not happy to be engaged, because it's nothing you have to do, if you don't want to. I hope you know that" she says seriously.

"It's not that Mama. Ben will make a wonderful husband... it's Willa" I admit.

My mama nods "what about her" she asks me a little worriedly.

"I can't get hold of her, and I think I upset her. I'm so worried she will never speak to me again" I confess.

"Alberta, whatever happens you must know, you and Willa will be friends forever... in here" my mama adds pointing to my chest "she's going off to college... not leaving the planet"

"I don't think she's happy about Ben and I, and it's my fault, because I never told her. I didn't let her know how it was going, or what Bens intentions were, and she got blindsided mama"

"Alberta I saw Willa this morning" she confesses.

I leap up in the air and run my hands through my hair "you did, is she okay. Oh mama, tell me, nobody has told me how she is"

"She isn't mad with you my darling girl, if that's what you are worried about. She is okay my darling. Please don't worry about Willa... she will always be your best friend no matter what. She told me to tell you she loves you and that she will be in contact soon... give her time"

"I love her too...but I don't know how much space I can give her..."

"Just time my darling... just give her time"

Time is something I don't have
Please forgive me
Please... I need you.
I can't do any of this without you, life isn't life without you in it.

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