Scenario 2: Sophia and the Machine (story 1)

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A/N: Today the scenario will be forced by a machine. Obviously, I decided to keep the wheel. Just in good fun. From this story on, the wheel will be used, but not mentioned in the actual story.

I was headed home, and one day I discovered a building. I didn't think much of it, as it resembled a small laundry facility. It didn't seem to be threatening or scary to me. I trotted inside, turning on the light switch, as it was pitch black inside.

I heard an automated machine say,

"Initiating Machine.....looking for a subject."

"Hmm," I said, "What kind of subject?"

"Looking for a little girl subject. Subject detected. Female. Prepare to dress."

"Dress? I don't want that!"

"Subject found.....will be adorable once dressed."

The machine grabbed me with its claws and dragged me to the conveyor belt. A 200 lb person, being dragged on to a machine.

"Subject has filth detected . Little Girl needs a bath before dressing."

The machine then began to strip off my clothes. My t-shirt, black pants, socks, shoes, and binder. Suddenly, a huge spray of HOT water began thrown on me. I screamed,


After a few moments, the machine had lower the water temperature to a warmer level; no longer the scalding hot that nearly burned me. The machine began to scrub and work up a later, to scrub my entire face, body, hair, neck and every "nook" and "cranny" of my body. I was scrubbed clean-even though I probably wasn't that dirty. I hadn't showered today, but I showered daily, especially since I sweat more often since I started transitioning. Then, the machine announced,

"Excessive body hair detected. Preparing for hair removal."

"I DO NOT want my body hair removed. Leave me alone!"

"Little girls don't have body hair," the machine chided.

The machine laid me out spread eagle, making sure I did not move. The machine rubbed a hair removal cream on my legs, armpits, and even in my pubic area. The hair removal cream smelled awful and it hurt, but after it was removed, it was rubbed off of my body. Before I knew it, I had no hair, except on my head.

After being forced bathed and my body hair gone, I'd hope for some clothing. Even if I didn't pass as "male," wouldn't the machine know, I was an adult? Not a little girl. I could not see well, either, as my glasses were removed. I didn't know what this machine would have me wear.

The machine then said, "Being dressing sequence."

It first put a plain white bra on me and then I yelled,
"I don't WEAR A BRA. I'm a guy." I said, "I'm not. I'm not. I'm not a girl!"

I found myself throwing a tantrum like a little kid.

"Sensors detect a younger child. Preparing age-appropriate clothing."

The sensors began to measure me and estimate what size clothing I'd wear. Next, it was going through a variety of undergarments-panties, pull-ups, and was that...diapers? I saw? The machine then, pushed pacifier in my mouth and said,

"Shhh! Baby girl detected."

"Mmmf." I mumbled through my paci.

I am not a baby girl, or even a little girl. Why did this machine think so?

"Intiating diaper sequence."
Diapers?! What? No! I could do little to fight the machine, as once again I found myself being held down and forced to stay still, except as it moved me. I began to be sprinkled with baby powder, fresh smelled lavender, and then I was placed in a thick cloth diaper. I started to feel calmer, relaxed for some weird reason. What was going on?

"Baby girl is nice and dry now," the machine said.

"Yes," I thought to myself. A frilly panty went over my diaper, and I laid there-just in a bra and my embarrassing undergarments. I did not know what would be next, but I felt a dry lump in my throat. The machine stated,

"Baby girl is thirsty. Thirst detected. Initiating bottle sequence."

Then suddenly a huge baba of juice was thrust into my mouth. It was forced down my throat. Yes, I was thirsty, but this was ridiculous. But I went along with it. I was a thirsty baby....

"Good baby!" it said, then it forced my paci back once the baba was done.

The machine then pulled out an outfit. It was a dark pink onesie with ruffles on the top part. The machine dressed me in it. The material was stretchy, yet it DID fit me like a glove. My diapers were still visible and it didn't do much to cover them. Pink booties to match were on my feet. I really was a baby. Baby Sophia. 

After the machine was done with that, it tied a bonnet and bib on me. It asked me,


I couldn't say my boy name. Maybe I should just play along.

"Sophia," I said babyishly, "I am baby girl!"


Then, the words, slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't say I was an adult.
" year old."


The machine plops me in a playpen and informs me that I must "play" while it prepares me food. I kept my paci in my mouth. I didnt have the energy to fight it, and my mind was going fuzzy. I opened the coloring book, and grabbed a crayon. I colored for a bit, trying to stay busy. It was too hard to color with my mittened hands.


My paci was removed and I was spoon-fed a HUGE bowl of baby applesauce. AS I kept eating the bowl, I started to feel as though I could eat no more of the mush. I yelled out,

"I full."
The machine chided

"Good babies eat all of their food."

Luckily, my bowl was done, as the machine only fed me a few more scoops before declaring it so. Suddenly I had the urge to pee again, but thanks to my thick diapees, it'd be very unlikely that I'd leak.

The machine placed me back in the playpen and put some kids' cartoons on for me. Just then, a hand check my diapers.


My focus began to drift, as I continued to suck on my paci. I wanted to lay down and I was feeling sleepy. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.. The next morning, maintenance came to find a very wet baby girl.

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