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Felix is packing up his and Marinette's things while Marinette is packing up Camille's. They're due to leave tomorrow morning on a flight to Venice, and Félix is nothing short of ecstatic. Nino and Alya had agreed to watch Camille for a couple weeks, and when Amelie came after finishing up packing her things, she would move into their house and take care of Camille until they came home. The rest was up to Félix and Marinette. He looks at Marinette with a wide smile. "Are you ready? Just me and you, traveling the world, nothing tying us back here?" he asks.

To say Marinette is excited is to undermine the capabilities of a tiny 5'2 Chinese-French woman to contain excitement in her veins. She's practically tittering. Humming. A bounce in her steps as she places the last bit of Camille's items in the bag. Of course she's sad that she'll have to leave Camille. After the mist of regret and self-pity has shrouded, Marinette was able to see Camille more clearly. The baby made by her and Félix's love. Their daughter. /Her/ daughter. She zips the bag, puts it to the side, looks up at Félix with the widest grin. "More than ready, you have no idea," she replies, practically tackling unto Félix as she wraps her arms around his. "I'm so excited to travel the world with you, you have no idea. Maybe we can use the miraculouses. It's not for self gains, is it? Oh my god- we can visit and check sights the others can- we should use the miraculouses-"

He giggles and hugs her back, kissing her hair, kissing down her face, her neck. "Absolutely. Yes, we can use the miraculouses, I don't see who's stopping us. This is our trip. Our trip. You and me. I love you so much." He glances at the cooing baby in her cradle and smiles. "I love you too, princess. You're gonna have so much fun with Aunt Alya and Uncle Nino, I promise. And then you'll see Nana in a few weeks too!" he picks up the baby and throws her in the air, catching her with a smile as he kisses her forehead. She giggles. Félix looks at Marinette. "She has your laugh. It's adorable," he grins.

Marinette giggles, rolling her eyes. "She has a cuter laugh than I do, don't do Camille that injustice. Right, princess? Hmmm??" She coos, taking Camille from Félix and tickling her, kisses on her cheeks and neck and arms, bouts of giggles and laughs erupting from Camille. She smiles widely. "Told you so. She agrees."

Félix wraps his arms around his wife and daughter from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. He kisses Marinette on the collarbone, and then kisses Camille on the top of her head. "I think you're both absolutely precious. Camille just has baby rolls and green eyes and blonde hair and pretty cute in general, so she's automatically that kind of adorable. You have the prettiest blue eyes and the most perfect lips and nose and hair and everything and you're that kind of adorable."

Marinette smiles, pressing a kiss on the top of Félix's head, free hand ruffling his golden locks that he shared with Camille. "Mm, you sound like you're full of yourself when you're complimenting Camille on her looks," she giggles, kissing Félix on the lips when he looks up. "So I'll do it for you. Félix just has really hot muscles and perfect greybluegreen eyes and really soft blonde hair that I love playing with, so you're the highest kind of adorable."

He giggles and kisses her a few more times. "Yeah? Thank you, mi amour," he says, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. "I would compliment your body but I don't think it would be appropriate in front of the baby," he whispers, and then covers her ears. "I'll do it anyways. You have the most beautiful body, curves in all the right places. I love to make love to you, because I fit with you like two puzzle pieces from the same puzzle. Your collar is my favorite place on your body to kiss, other than your lips. And you have a really nice ass and boobs, not to sound like one of /those/ men."

Marinette feels heat rush up from her chest up her face and down her arms and to her fingertips and damn... these clothes were really burning her. She sighs softly and she looks up at him, pressing a quick sensual kiss on his jaw, pulling away with a tender smile. "I love your body, too, Félix. Because it keeps you safe. It keeps you warm. It keeps you alive. And because it keeps me tethered to you, and I'm able to feel you all the time," she says, taking one of his hands off of Camille's ears and she says with great certainty, "I love your more than life itself Félix Graham de Vanily. You're my everything. You and Camille Graham de Vanily. I love you both."

He looks at them both, two of his three favorite woman (the third being his mother of course) and hugs them tightly, smiling as tears fall down his cheeks. "You two are my life. My beautiful little family. My absolutely gorgeous little family."

"Tu as des ennuis. Tu as fait pleurer ton père,"
(Oh no, you made your daddy cry.)  Marinette tells Camille, and even though the baby didn't seem to understand, she giggles and wipes Félix's tears. Marinette smiles and looks at them, chuckling herself. "It's getting late. We should be getting ready for bed."

He smiles and nods, moving to Marinette's side and wrapping an arm around her. "Mama's right. We all have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow,"
he whispers, kissing the baby's nose.

'And from that day on, Marinette and I never drifted apart. Sure, we had arguments like every couple does, but we never let it get too far like this time. We learned to appreciate life, and to appreciate the love that we had for living and for each other and for our family.'

'Fe, you make it sound like we're at the end of a storybook. The truth is, we've only been back a few weeks. Camille's getting so big, and we're considering having another in a few years. Love is something we had to work for. It's not just fun and games.'

'Ah, but it can be.'

'Okay. Maybe sometimes.

Maybe sometimes life can be a game, even if you bend the rules a little bit. It just makes it more

'I couldn't have said it better myself, blueberry.'

'I know, lemonhead.'

Wanderlust - A Felinette Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now